On 5/5/14 at 6:56 AM, ryent...@gmail.com (Rick Yentzer) wrote:

It would be nice to use a system similar to Jetbrains where users
can vote on submitted feature requests.

It wouldn't make any difference. Having such a system would only make a difference if the team at Bare Bones implemented features based on popularity. Previous posts from Rich and others at Bare Bones have made it very clear they do not implement things based on popularity.

It is clear from past posts on this subject Rich and company have their vision of what BBEdit should be. To gain traction on a feature request, it needs to fit into their vision or perhaps better, seen as a useful feature to the team at Bare Bones.

As I understand things, Bare Bones uses BBEdit as their editor for coding. So, if a feature request looked like it was useful to the work flow at Bare Bones, my guess is it would have a high probability of being implemented in a future release.

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