Dear Tobias, Gil, Roger, Mark and Graeme,

Good.  I got you all thinking.  Some of your
criticisms are absolutely justified and I will address
them now and later.  Others are not.

The calculations in my little email need to be refined
somewhat but in doing so, it will only go to prove my
point that homeopathically diluted and potentized
remedies are, no matter how you calculate it, less
expensive to make, less expensive to use, in my
experience, more effective to use and ultimately, the
best way to get the most out of Steiner's remedies.  
I have to give credit to Glen Atkinson and Peter
Bacchus who taught me the techniques for this method. 
Aside from the cost factors, you can get more than
100,000 units of homeopathic material out of one unit
of raw material and the shelf life is years longer.

I hasten to point out that in my calculations, I
assumed, for the sake of that discussion, that it
would take the same amount of time to stir and spray
the raw preps as it would to pour and spray the
homeopathic dilutions.  This is false reasoning as it
would take at least three times as long to do the raw

Nevertheless, who else has done these calculations? 
Who else has compared these costs?

We need to drag biodynamics out of the horse and buggy
era and into the 21st Century and we are not going to
do it using the raw remedies and the "hippie"
language, amateur antics and philosophy that so often
invades biodynamics.  This is very serious business
and it should be taken seriously.

We're talking about saving the Earth and all of

Over the past three years, we have found multiple uses
for our homeopathic remedies outside of agriculture
and are exploiting that market aggressively right now.
 The personal care uses for our remedies include skin,
hair, burn, cut, bruise and diabetes care.  We think
that since our lab tests show that they may somehow
change the molecular structure of whatever they are
sprayed on, they may even have a future in metallurgy
and automotive care.

We hope to begin conducting double blind medical
studies this fall.

Steiner provided the world with certain remedies that
would fix agriculture if applied in the right way. 
The missing link in making it work was horn clay and I
do not think it is in dispute that I was the one who
figured out how to make it and use it where others had
tried and failed.  Then I gave it freely to the world
over 5 years ago.

Since I figured out how to make and use horn clay,
that is why I call them "Steiner/Willis" remedies.  If
that offends some of you, so be it.  Sorry.  I will
not apologize.

It is my opinion, based on our tests and years of
experience, which I am confident will be born out by
independent research by any of you, that horn clay
makes horn humus and horn quartz work the way they are
supposed to work.  Hugh Lovel wrote an entire series
on the genius of horn clay sometime in the past on
bdnow.  I am sure any number of tests can be
constructed to prove that and I encourage all of you
to consider constructing and conducting such tests on
your own before you attack my work or me personally.

As for the commercial or "advertising" side of my
business, what does Glen do?  What does Hugh do?  What
does Steve do?  Doesn't Allan advertise his yearly
conference here?  Before you point the finger at me,
consider the others who hype their products and
services freely on bdnow.  If you criticize me for
this, if you want to be consistent, you have to attack
everybody who does it.

While I appreciate that many in the "biodynamic
community" are idealistic and good hearted, idealism
and a good heart are great incentives but on their
own, don't do much to advance Steiner's ideas as a
science that (a) can be duplicated by any researcher
anywhere and (b) create products that are made for
farmers and gardeners in a convenient and affordable
package with proven science behind them.

You see, we can all talk among ourselves, as one of
you pointed out, and what good does it do?  Well, the
answer is, in my opinion, "a lot of good" or wouldn't
be wasting my time here.  I'm not trying to convert
the choir.  I'm trying to stimulate your thinking as
to the possibilities and potentials of Steiner's
ideas.  My style is intentional.  Some times you have
to shake people to the core before they'll wake up.

I don't believe for a minute that the BDA, DAI and
JPI, or the anthros at Dornach, will wake up any time
in this century.  In fact, I believe that they will
all fade away into the future, unable to adapt to the
new thinking that is coming into the world through
such vehicles as bdnow, the incredibly advanced souls
born in the past 15 years and others.

As for the criticism that I should be focusing on
farmers outside of the bd community, what do you think
I am doing?  For Heaven's Sake!  I am sure Glen would
agree with this, we now have the remedies in a form
that ANYONE can use and we are aggressively moving
into that market as well.

Glen's taking it in one direction, I in another. 
We're doing a lot of good for the world!

(Just to answer your question, I have two
undergraduate degrees with majors in business,
economics and biology and a minor in geography.  I
have a master's degree in health care administration
and worked in the medical field for many years.  I
have made it a point to continue my education
intensively after matriculating in other areas of
interest as well including metaphysics and I am a
Kriyaban of 25 years.  I am schooled in and practice
the scientific method in my work and in the practice
of Yoga.  I have 40 years experience working with
plants and in the past 10 years, focusing on diseases
in winegrape vines, have accomplished more in that
short period of time than anyone in the history of
viticulture.  In 1986, I was awarded second place in
Organic Gardening Magazine's Gardener of the Year
contest.  I have written several books and other
publications.  What I am most proud of accomplishing I
was that I able to rescue my sons from a corrupt
family law court system.)

Look, lets's go back to what Steiner and his farmers
wanted to accomplish.  They wanted to save
agriculture, Steiner wanted to save the world.  He
advised those farmers to take his ideas, work with
them, develop them and make them available to the
entire world so that the Earth could be saved from a
potential of total destruction of agriculture and
human and animal life brought on by the removal of
spiritual nutrition in the food we eat.  He admonished
those who followed his ideas that they should take
this to every corner of the Earth.  

(The Koliskos tried in the 1930's only to be rebuffed
by the anthros and bdidiots of the time.)

Has this goal been reached?  No, it hasn't and we all
bear some measure of responsibility for this failure. 
Okay.  So, "fix it".

Well, this can't be fixed if we don't have Steiner's
remedies in a form that is easy to use, not costly -
even considering the indirect costs and benefits - and
is backed by scientific research that the average
farmer and consumer can understand and appreciate.  In
short, if we, who understand what Steiner said and
did, better than most, to one degree or another, don't
do it, nobody will.  You are not going to get the
chemists at Monsanto and DuPont to fund this kind of
research or product development.  There's no money in
it and it conflicts with their missions as chemical
companies.  Nor are you going to get the governments
of the world to fund this kind of R & D.  They have no
interest since they are so heavily influenced by
conventional chemical agriculture.

So, as I said, who's going to do it?  Well, I've spend
about $700,000 over the past 10 years, directly and
indirectly, developing Steiner's, Burbank's, Carver's
and my ideas to get them to the point where they are
now commercially viable products that can be verified
through scientific testing.

Consider this.  Every time someone sprays some of our
remedies on their faces, some drops to the ground.  It
changes the ground.

Here's a fact that will eventually be verified that
I'll bet most of you don't know.  Whenever Steiner's
remedies, with horn clay, fall on the ground, the
Karma in the elements, minerals and plants goes away. 
This means that whenever and wherever you spray the
preps, you are eliminating all the negative Karma from
minerals and plants.  What does this do?  It gives you
a clean slate to work on.  It gives plants a chance to
develop into their archetypal forms without the
hindrances of negative Karma.

How do I know this.  Through insight and intuition
brought about by 25 years of meditating every day. 
Meditation develops the intuition.

Let's take this a step further.  If it is possible to
eliminate the Karma in minerals and plants in an area,
what would this do to an area like, say, the Middle
East?  How about burial grounds that have been
savaged?  What about in Meso and South America where
the Spaniards and Portuguese tortured and murdered the
Incas, Mayans and other native people?  What about the
"Killing Fields" in Cambodia?  What about the death
camps in Germany, Russia and China?  Think of the
possibilities!  This could set the stage for bringing
peace to the world.

Do any of you think, for even one second, that anyone,
anywhere, other than the few adherents to biodynamics,
is going to stir "horn manure" and "horn silica" for
an hour and spray it on their lands around the world? 
Let's look at the evidence objectively.  It hasn't
happened and in the present "horse and buggy" form, it
will never happen.  People want convenience and price.
 They don't want "mumbo jumbo".

Glen and Peter pointed the way for me.  They should
also point the way for you.  I'm not going to reveal
the sequence I use nor the potency to which I take my
remedies to anyone.  They are trade secrets.  I paid
dearly for them.  The fact that I gave to the world
instructions how to make horn clay is enough for now. 
You can look up more data in the Kolisko's book on the
subject and maybe duplicate what I have done.

In pure business terms, if you want to make these
remedies, you'll have to make the investment.  Maybe
someone will surpass what I have done.  Maybe not. 
But the days of simply giving all this information
away willy-nilly are gone.  It's time for each of you
to look within and develop Steiner's ideas in such a
way that  humanity and the Earth can actually benefit
form them.  Talk is cheap.

This stance may offend some of you.  Well, take heart
in the Buddhist saying that "If I hit you in the nose,
I don't make YOU mad."  You make yourself mad.  I
don't control your emotions or responses.  YOU do. 
Self -control is a hallmark of a truly developed
mature soul.

I firmly believe that it is time for everyone who
believes in biodynamics to stop what they are doing
right now, consider why it has failed to reach its
potential, rip apart and reevaluate the basics, then
renew your struggle to bring this to the fulfillment
of Steiner's vision.  That is the only way one can
live up to the importance of Steiner's gifts to the

Some of you say to yourselves, well "Greg is smart so
he can figure this out".  Well, that's true.  I am
smart and I am well educated.  But aren't you smart
too?  Steiner read from the "Cosmic Encyclopedia". 
Neither Burbank nor Carver ever said they had all the
answers but that God gave them the answers.  Both were
saints.  So, be like a saint.  Develop your intuition
through daily meditation.  Act as if you are in the
service of God, doing His work.  Where do you think
Steiner got his insights?  God and God Alone.

This is a truly spiritual world.  Everything and
everyone in this world is an Individualized Expression
of Spirit.  Each of us is a Reflection of God.  We
have at our beck and call exactly the same knowledge
that God has.  This is exactly the same knowledge and
wisdom that Steiner sought.  Just ask God.  The answer
will come to you.  You don't need to spend $700,000 on
research like I did.

Don't think for a minute that I take credit for all my
discoveries and insights.  It comes from the same
Source.  How do I know it's right?  Because when I try
it, it works.

The email I wrote to which all you responded, was only
the beginning of my comments on biodynamics and I will
continue to provide you with other "thought provoking"
ideas and comments.  I haven't even scratched the
surface.  Some of you may like my content and form,
others may not.  They are all always made to make you
think - and respond with reason and feeling.

What you think of me means nothing to me.  Praise or
criticism are all the same.  As the great Japanese
Samurai/Educator/Statesman Yakichi Fukazawa once said,
"Take all things in moderation."  I appreciate the
approbations the same as the compliments.  If a
criticism is true, I will adjust.  If not, I will
forget it.

My primary interest is in saving the world of
agriculture using Steiner's ideas in concert with
those of Burbank and Carver.  If this brings me fame
and fortune, that's fine.  If it doesn't, that's fine
too.  I don't want to die after having been given all
this fantastic knowledge and face my Maker and say,
well, I squandered what You gave me.  That's what too
many have done.

This is a good start.

Greg Willis
Napa, CA
Why is this so?  Here's the list of the problems,
deficiencies and limitations with BD Preps:

1) To work best, BD Preps should be stirred by hand
for one hour which takes time and money.
2) If stirred by machine or flow forms, they can lose
up to 90% of their effectiveness.
3) Stirring machines or flow forms can cost up to
4) After stirring, BD Preps must be applied within 3
hours for horn manure, 6 hours for horn silica.
5) After stirring, BD Preps must be filtered before
they can go through the sprayer tips, a time consuming
6) Only enough of either prep that can be sprayed in 3
or 6 hours can be stirred at any one time limiting the
amount of acreage that can be sprayed on any given
7) Traditional application of BD Preps requires two
trips on two different days.  Horn manure is sprayed
in the afternoon on the first day, horn silica is
sprayed on the morning of the second day.
8) Horn manure and horn silica have very specific
storage requirements.
9) The shelf life of horn manure and horn silica are 1
to 5 years, if stored properly, which is difficult.
10) When applied to a field, horn manure and horn
silica can radiate their effects up to 1/4 of a mile
from the application site rendering side by side field
trials impossible.
11) The BD Prep "kit" does not include Horn Clay which
makes horn manure and horn silica work as they should
and can.
12) There is no scientific evidence or record of field
trials that prove that the application of BD Preps
actually do ANYTHING.

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