Hi Virginia,
I just remembered another case that seemed to work with the deer.  I had another customer who was growing a large apple orchard who was testing our BioVam product on some new apple tree plantings.  He lives in the country north of Spokane in an area called, Green Bluff.  All the trees which he had treated with BioVam were doing fine and the deer had left them alone.  All the trees he planted that were not treated, were eaten down to nubs. 
I know that applying BioVam to the roots of plants will increase their health and vitality, but to also prevent deer from eating those trees?  That sounds like a "fish story" to me.  LOL.  My brother and his friend were insisting that the BioVam treated plants were fine.  They could see no other reason for those plants not being touched by the deer.  I asked them, how did you know those were the trees treated with BioVam?  They said, "Those were the trees we flagged with orange tape hanging down from an outer branch."  That area is subject to wind most of the time and it appears that the trees that had an orange tape hanging down from a limb were spared from the deer.  Now, I haven't tested this any further, but if you have some wind going around your trees, you might want to try that and see if it works for you.  Let about a foot or two of orange tape hang down from 3 or 4 limbs on your trees and see if the wind blowing on that tape will spook the deer.  This is just a theory, but it might be worth checking out.  If that works, I'd like to hear back from you.  There's a lot of people with deer problems that would like to know if that worked or not. 
Best Regards,
Thomas Giannou
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: deer problem

In a message dated 12/27/2001 4:09:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As a newcomer to the list, I would like to ask if anyone has had success repelling deer.  Groups of 7-9 at a time come to browse in our yard and munch on our fruit trees. I got two  hides of deer which were burned on December 12.  They were charred, not ashed completely.  I am contemplating cutting pieces and hanging them on trees I want to protect.  Is there a better way?

Virginia Salares

Electrified Fencing

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