Hi CatNSnow,

Tree Guard is not deer-off (I'm thinking you are talking about another

I did a little research on Tree Guard and it does not appear to be an
organic product.

Here's one store's description:

"The latex based formula resists water and keeps TREE GUARD working for an
entire season. What makes TREE GUARD different?  A unique latex polymer
carries the active ingredient, Bitrex, and holds it to the surface of the
plant, resisting rain, and wash-off for up to 100 days.  TREE GUARD deer
repellent's ready-to-use formulation sprays on milky and dries to a clear,
attractive coating. Non-phytotoxic to plants, use it to protect all trees,
shrubs and flowering ornamentals-but do not use it on anything grown for
human consumption (it will leave a bitter taste on food)."

A gallon retails for $44.95 at:

This might be one of those "better test it first" products.  Get a quart and
spray a couple trees well before fruit sets and after harvest and see if it
1.  Keeps the deer from knawing away on plants and 2. Doesn't impart a
bitter taste to the fruit.

Since the active ingredients are:  Denatonium benzoate or Benzyldiethyl
[(2,6 xylyl carbamoyl) methyl] ammonium benzoate,  I doubt very much this
could be classed as an organic product.  When I chased down Denatonium
benzoate, it's a manufactured substance.  If you are an organic grower, it
would not be advisable to use this product.  It also may not be a good idea
to apply this product to fruit trees.  A call to the manufacturer would be
in order.

We have some of our products in a store here in Spokane that sells the Tree
Guard.  The store clerks were complaining that once Tree Guard gets on your
hands, it's next to impossible to get the stuff off your hands.  I saw where
Denatonium benzoate is used for "Nail Biters".  It's also put into denatured
alcohol and other substances to keep people from drinking those substances.
The bitter taste will stop you from biting your nails!

We make a bar soap (no animal by products in it) that will easily clean the
hands of anyone who gets that chemical on their hands.  Our soap will even
get rid of gasoline odors in seconds from your skin.  I've not seen a soap
that will clean better.  I use it after working on the car to get the grease
off fast.

Best Regards,
Thomas Giannou

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: deer problem

> In a message dated 12/27/01 6:28:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> << Since it doesn't wash off, it should not travel to
>  the fruit... famous last words.  I have limited experience working with
>  product and I think one should check with the manufacturer before using
>  on fruit trees. >>
> It does wash off, at least the stuff I use. It is quite safe, but not
> strictly organic, I agree. Since it does wash off with a shower or two it
> gets very expensive. Another remedy to use is hanging bars of soap on the
> trees (works well) and I've been told deer hate the smell of garlic, so
> probably the best bet would be to spray trees with garlic water....this
> wash off with a shower or two also, but much cheaper than deer-off....

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