We live on a mountain with deer, moose, elk, bear.  Quite a few years
ago when we first planted our orchard, we would wake up in the morning
to hear that whistling call of the deer and they would be munching away
on our little trees.  But we didn't get serious about this until a bear
took out our bee hives.

We built a New Zealand Electric Fence around 3 1/2 acres.  My husband
bought long cedar rounds from a neighbor who was logging and split them
for the posts, bringing the cost down.  Every other wire is hot.  We put
the insulators on the outside.  We have a solar electric system and the
timed electric pulses do not use a lot of electricity.  Drawback is that
if your dogs detect an large animal who makes it inside, he could pull
the insulators off in his escape, even if you put them on the outside.
Also snowload will destroy the corners.  We ended up putting really big
timbers on the corners.  You have to weedeat brush regularly in the
summer. There is a lot of maintenance, but all in all, the fence helps
enormously.  Some smaller animals can time their entrances and exits and
get by without being hit part of the time, but eventually when they get
a good hit, they stay away.  I have walked to the outhouse in summer and
spooked something hiding in the brush which hightailed it out the
fence.  I couldn't see what it was for the high brachen fern.   We have
had smaller bears get in in the early spring and get the hives again.  A
good cheaper source of some items is Kencove Fence, www.kencove.com.

Merla Barberie

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