Allan Balliett wrote:
Allan Wrote
> I'm in the process of fencing a 7 acre garden. I plan on spading down
> cover crops and using a bedshaper for the first couple of years, but
> I also plan on getting the tractor out of the garden as soon as
> possible. The goal is permanent raised beds.
> How much land, my friends, do YOU set aside for end-of-row tractor
> turnabout? (ouch! with implements, of course.) I guess I'm hoping
> against hope that a few have worked out tricks that will keep me from
> setting all that fenced garden aside of tractor geometry a couple of
> times a season.
> -Allan
Hi Allan I have 3 metres between end of row before i hit the shelter
belts come wild life sancuary come  herb border.I can just swing a
tractorwith implement  aroundwith out over running the beds.  I used to
have 4 metres wide headland over the years the herb border hasspead on
to this area. The herb border is set up around the perimeter of 8 acres
to provide a home for all the predater insects which work the crops and
also act as guards againsts invading insects from neighbouring
properties.On the outer edge of the headland i have planted comphrey
which is harvested on a regular basis for composting. This is an
excellent source of potash for Flower Crops. I also over sow the
headlands with Blue lupin which also goes into the compost.You will also
find a headland at either end of your crops very useful to get compost
in and crops out.I find my headlands very useful.
Are you still going to grow flowers this year?
Good luck with your new venture.
Tony Robinson
Rambler Flowers 
New Zealand

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