----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: introduction and a WHOLE lotta questions

Hi Jennifer
               I would just like to endorse some of the replys made by Manfred. You will also find some good stuff from Hugh Lovel (and others) in the BD now archives back as far as 1998. It will take some time to sort through but I think worth the effort
***Incidentally, his 4-hr. presentation , "basic, and advanced,biodynamics" was professionally recorded, and tapes are still available i believe.***
Where could I find this? This would be good for my dh to listen to in the car as well.
<<You can get heaps of good tapes from Acres USA they have an extensive catalog
***Share your soil test results with the list?***
Ha! What soil tests. This we are working on. So, would the county ag extension service down the road be the best place to get this from?   
 <<< No way - no how - steer clear of fertiliser company and Agriculture department soil testing. Get a Perry lab type test (or Brookside ) and spend the money to do all trace elements so you know where you are starting from.
   We had planned on this, but then put it off, as we weren't sure if there was a better way, and didn't want to become confused with all of the fertilizer reccomendations we are sure to get. However, if this is the best option, we will just nod politely and then do our own thing (something we are getting to be very good at in recent years).
***As for the goat manure, depending on how densely it is packed, and how large an area it comprises, i would add, in place, the Steiner remedies ....prepared by a reputable practitioner...***
When does this need to be done? Now - right before we plant - naked under a full moon ;-) ? <<<  Good advice - dont put this stuff out before it is properly composted
***If you can afford the time, and you're short on funds anyway, keenly examine what grows on at least some of the fields as they are now. Note the types of weeds prevalent, and get a book... "weeds and what they tell"...E.Pfeiffer, and ask further questions of the list, too. Leave them alone till you need to bring them into "production"***
I will get the book.
<<< or try Charles Walters Weed control without poisons  or there is another one by Jay L Macalman
Lay a good foundation and you will save time and trouble in the future
All the best
Lloyd Charles

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