Woody and/or Barbara said:

>Say 40% of that is paths and tractor turnaround space, and you've 
>got 12,000 square feet of bed space,

I'm in the process of fencing a 7 acre garden. I plan on spading down 
cover crops and using a bedshaper for the first couple of years, but 
I also plan on getting the tractor out of the garden as soon as 
possible. The goal is permanent raised beds.

Right now the garden area is too wet to have the tractor in to do a 
real-world tryout, but I really need to be determining how much space 
to leave for turnaround. In a way, I'd prefer to work to the fence 
and back out of the row, but I have to admit that in the long run, 
that's a literal pain in the neck and restrictive (or impossible 
later in the season.)

How much land, my friends, do YOU set aside for end-of-row tractor 
turnabout? (ouch! with implements, of course.) I guess I'm hoping 
against hope that a few have worked out tricks that will keep me from 
setting all that fenced garden aside of tractor geometry a couple of 
times a season.


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