Aurora Farm wrote:
> Tony:
> Rambler writes: <<to which i add  worm pee>>
> How _do_ you get those worms to pee in a cup for you?
> Hi Woody
They actually do it in a bath set up on an angle with a 2o litre bucket
under the drain hole. They always pee better when it rains it is a
lovely golden sweet smelling  brew that does not leave a smell on the
flowers and there is hundreds of them in a bath working happly together
for nothing except a fresh layer of organic mattersome fish, seaweed,
rockdust, clay nettles comphrey grass barrel compost once a month
I suppose i should get all technical and call it "worm leachate"having a
good chuckle now and then makes me feel better. I have 6  baths working
and since it has rained all night i had better go a empty the potties
Cheers with a chuckle
 Tony Robinson
 Rambler Flowers

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