Darn, Merla!

$100 each to register biodynamic "amendments" for use in Idaho? What if they were potentized in water and you had something like 8x or 8c potencies? The active ingredient is the water which has been patterned. Does water have to be registered before it can be used as a soil amendment? Or has it been registered in Idaho?

Both Glen and Greg use potentized water, and they combine all the BD remedies into two sprays, one applied in the morning and the other in the evening. I could walk you through the procedure for doing this if you want. You could take each remedy and dowse for the desired potency and combine them. Greg says the sequencing is extremely important, so you would have to work out the sequence for combining them. When potentizing (succussing) large quantities of water it would help to suspend large bottles of water from a sling hooked to a ceiling beam somewhere. But at the end of it all you would have remedies that you could pour into a spray tank full of water and directly go out and spray instead of doing all the tedious stirring.

It gets even easier if you use a radionic instrument like James Hedley or Lorraine Cahill uses. You can put all the potency patterns into the spray tank full of water by transferring them with the radionic instrument. That's VERY easy. Lorraine is getting Malcolm Rae cards made of weed peppers. So far she has the following:

1. Redroot Pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus
2. Shoofly, Apple of Peru Nicandra physalodes
3. Velvet Leaf, Wild Cotton Abutilon theophrasti
4. Prarie Parsnip Zizia cordata
5. Wild Cucumber Cucumis anguria
6. Johnson Grass Holcus halapensis
7. Wild Oats Avena fatua 8. Ironweed Vernonia novaborascensis
9. Field Bindweed Convolvulus repens
10. Water Hemp Acnida cannabina
11. Canadian Thistle Cirsium arvense
12. Cheat Grass Bromus tectorum
14. Cocklebur Xanthium americanum
15. Smartweed Persicaria lapathifolia
16. Dock Rumex crispus
17. Dodder Cuscuta polygonorum
18. Greenbriar, Catbriar Smilax rotundifolia
19 Burdock Arctium minus 20. Devil's Beggarticks Bidens frondosa
21. Ragweed Ambrosia bidentata
22. Manitoba Cleavers Galium mollugo
23. Rush Skeleton Weed Chondrilla juncea
24. Medusa Head Rye Tueniatherum cuput

Or maybe you could use Reiki to transfer the patterns from your feeling through your hand into the water. You might have to take a course in Reiki for this one. Sharon McEachern might be able to walk you through this one.

At some point maybe we can do the field broadcaster experiment on the roadsides of Rapid Lightning Road. It will be a little easier to sell to the county weed board after we see results at Dwight Callaway's down near Boise.

Hugh Lovel
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