Hi! Merla,
I think you are trying to change the world single handed and to understand
all in a short time.

The first step is to make the changes you would like to see made generally,
to your own patch.

When you have made a marked improvement to your patch, others will notice
and in time ask. THEN you only tell them a bit at a time and help them make
small changes and give them just enough information to be able to tell
others who to do it. AVOID EXPLANATIONS. Just give the HOW TO. If some one
seeing your land performing better that theirs, they only want to how to
replicate it, not to take on a life long study.

On another tack, I have been very successful in encouraging landowners to
plant trees in big numbers. For years I was involved in planting on public
land - roadsides and the beach front etc, but few planted on their own land.
Then 25 years ago I started planting on my farm. a few years later people
were coming from all around to find how I could grow so many types and so
many. From this came many workshops on seed collection, planing, propagation
etc. There are now millions of tress that can be traced to be a direct
result of my early work. I am now working on a bigger scale and last year
planted ten hectares and this year will do about eight.....

It is a lot easier to lead by example than to push by reason and augment.

Just do what you want to do to your land and make it work really well and in
so doing learn the very simplest way that you can show others to do the same
and you are a long way to making impact.

Merla wrote:

> BD AND THE WIDE WORLD:  Last night  was at an organizational meeting of
> the Sandpoint Farmers Market where the State Inspector, who is an
> outrageous creative thinker and gardener, spoke on changes in organic
> certification, etc. Snip

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