Both sides are "terrorists"  It is just now it has esculated to outright
war.  Israel was right to crush the Arab terrorist organization for its very
right to survive.  Remember, Iran 's cargo of military hardware that was
destined for Arafat et al.
  The original question should be asked.  Was it right to set up the State
of Israel to start with?  Perhaps not so in our Michaelic Age.  Mich-ael
promotes Internationalism anot Nationalism.  That the British carved up
Palestine willy nilly created the situation we have today.  THE BRITS ARE
   I also note that the Brits and Canadians let very few Jews in during WW2.
In fact, both the Brits and Switzerland sent many back, knowing what would
happen.   The US made armistice of WW1, was a disaster for Europe and was
responsible for WW2.
   In other words, whether the Israelis or Palenstinians have a right to
have a State or not, and who is "right at the moment is moot when we
consider all the blackmail that the Brits and US are using against both
peoples.  The Arabs are committed to getting rid of the whole of Israel and
they won't stop at the creation of a State.
  And that Powell even spoke to Arafat is scandulous.  Arafat has no power
in negotiations and is not seen my many as a leader any more.
  But, it has been predicted that mounting Arab pressure on the US and the
US wanting Arab countries' support against "Terrorism" will lead to the
situation where the US will abandon Israel altogether.
   Apart from a shooting war, there is a media war.  Up until the 1990's
Israel won the media war. Since then, the arabs have been the darlings of
the media.
   The Israelis have a right to defend themselves against human bombers and
be able to walk on the streets without feeling they will be blown up any
moment.  The Palestinians also have a right to feel safe in "their" lands as
well.  Israelis have come to a position that they would accept a Pal. State,
but, the Palestinians so far might "recognize" the Right of Israel to Exist
on paper and even by mouth, but, in fact, don't mean it all.  You have to go
beyond all the deft lies by the arabs.
   "Ordinary American citizens" as you said are now criticizing Israel,
often without knowing the real facts.

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