Steve Storch writes>>Bullseyes are fat and juicy. Anybody else on the list
any biodyn???  >>

Aren't they beautiful?? And to think that dandeions is the'poster weed' for
Roundup. I am happy to have dried a gallon! Steve how do you do it?? Even
when I walk through town, I spot bulleyes everwhere! It really brings your
conciousness down to the ground, and into the lawn. Now that I am making my
own Dand. prep, I won't be sending mine to JPI.

Dug up nettle prep (in the ground since summer of 2000) and a horn pit of 14
horns, still have another pit of 45 in the ground. Checked my yarrow, cham,
and dand, all still breaking down, weren't ready. Haven't made the trip to
the creek to check my skull. Getting ready to gring crystals from the farm,
will bury one silica horn.

Seeing dramatic results in the greenhouse after a third year of aphid
ashing.Will continue this for four years.

Stirred the first horn manure last night. Chris was watering near by, with
the radio on in the truck. "Stir it up" By Bob Marley came on the radio!!

Life is good. Christy

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: Dandelions

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