Hi! Micah,
Thank you for posting and sharing. Great stuff.

I had an interesting one the night before last.

It was between three and four in the morning. Something had upset my balance and
I was having a Tachicardia attack and had taken Isopton and was back in bad
riding it out. I was giving Reiki direct to the heart area and in moderate
distress, with a crushing sensation from all direction on my chest.

I guess I called for help and was aware of little man that when I thought about
him later, I realized that he was the size and appearance of a Leprechaun. It
was one of those times when when I could see my heart, with the plumbing, but no
lungs, ribs etc. The Little One produced a large, hand forged steel knife and
proceeded to cut my heart vertically. He then reached in and started gathering
dark red "jelly", He reached into the vein coming from the lung and got more. He
gathered two and half armfuls, which he burnt. He then sealed the cut and
indicated he was done. The Tachicardia immediately stopped.

The little one was not much bigger than my heart, I guess eight or nine inches
high and had very thin and long arms and legs.


"M.N." wrote:

> <snip>....My vision is not deteriorating but I believe that I'm still
> developing spiritually. Tony N-S.<snip>
> That made me smile, because over the past 3 years or so, I was in real
> denial about needing glasses. I had been in the desert, then moved to the
> Pacific NW, and the lower light & higher humidity combined with age made
> things start to get a bit fuzzy in the vision department!
> The forests here are obviosly more lush than the desert, so rich and green
> (where it hasn't been clearcut) and I would see lots more etheric critters
> hiking here than I ever did before. Days when my "real" vision was worse, I
> would see more of them; and I was worried about getting glasses & ruining it
> all!
> Safety won out, I had to get specs to drive, but the "other" vision seems
> just fine, I still see my subtle friends everywhere in the garden & forest.
> I just think maybe I needed that time of letting the "real" vision fuzz out
> a bit, maybe it allowed my mind to let go & be more open to other ways of
> seeing; once I was more open, the subtle vision stayed even with the glasses
> on.
> I had a friend who used to photograph the etheric creatures, he would focus
> his camera out, so the rocks, trees, whatever, were out of focus, and take
> the picture. When they were developed, they would be full of life, it was
> amazing.  I went out hiking with him once, and I would see something, and he
> would shoot it, and develop it, and it would be just exactly what I saw. No
> trick except the focus change, and the rocks would have rock people, undines
> in rivers, it was wild!
> So far, I only have one picture like that, I took it near my house, a big
> tree and some Devil's Club, a spiny plant that has a forest-defender type
> energy In the background is this character I can only describe as
> cranky-looking! Just his face, peeking around a tree.
> I still have to work on interacting with them more in my garden. In the
> forest, they lead me to great stuff; plants I'm looking for, hidden springs,
> mushroom patches, etc. But in the garden, I am still building a rapport I
> guess. I just try to be open & garden as spirit moves me, as it were, & see
> what happens.
> Strength & Wisdom,
> Micah

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