>Will - It will be 3 weeks mon since I broke my foot and 3 weeks Wed
>since I put a cast on it. I'd VERY MUCH like to not have a cast at
>ACRES, in fact, I can't imagine getting from my room to the hall on
>fucking crutches. On the other hand, my Dr ain't going to go for
>taking the cast off and I don't seem to be able to find a CAM BOOT
>that fits me. (It goes on)
>I'm thinking of soaking the cast off myself on Monday but I'm
>wondering if that's practical (will the plaster 'get hot' when it
>gets wet?) I'm also afraid that with the cast off I still won't be
>able to walk because of disuse and, suddenly, I can't get from the
>parking lot to the plane.
>These are the things I worry about.
>What do you think? (The foot, btw, feels great, except it has pains
>in places tht I imagine are caused by walking in the friggin cast.


I doubt seriously that plaster of paris is going to simply dissolve in
water once it is set.

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