Allan, when I picked out those vegetables at random off this 
farmer's chart,  I wasn't clear. From the chart it looks like these are 
not a weekly offering, but the whole total amounts one member 
may expect to receive for that year. It just didn't look like very 
much to me.
8 bunch beets, 1-3 heads each, broccoli and cauliflower, 7 bunch 
carrots, 3 dz ears of corn, 20 onions 6-12 cucumbers. 
the largest to expect were of course, summer squash (15 lbs, 
zucchini 15 lbs and tomatoes 21 lbs. Looking at it from the 
subscriber point of view, if I'd been handed this chart and told it 
would cost $450 for this much food, I don't think I'd be wanting to 
participate. (How do you divide ONE melon or 3 eggplants for the 
whole season?) It's from a farm in Massachusetts, and much of the 
seasonal offerings are in August only. 
She does plant some rows for 'pick your own' and those (cherry 
tomatoes, string beans, edible pod peas and flowers) are basically 
all you can pick. Since she offers no delivery of produce, it must all 
be picked up on farm only, I imagine her customers take advantage 
of the 'free for harvest' rows too. She allows 3 pumpkins but plants 
some of the minis for the children to gather and take home, that's 

She also 'allows' her subscribers to come cut and haul off firewood. 
Darn, wish I'd have thought of that, my fallen trees would have 
gotten cleared much quicker that way <G>!
She's been a CSA for 6 years and has a waiting list. So she's 
obviously doing things right, I just wondered about the amounts 

< If I could harvest winter squash, 
eggplants and melon in the same week >

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