She's been a CSA for 6 years and has a waiting list. So she's
obviously doing things right, I just wondered about the amounts
Martha - Do you know how many shares this person does? Another strange thing that's come up in recent years is farmers who say they are 'doing a CSA' and then when you check it out, they are serving a dozen or fewer people.

As far as share-size and content, that's up to what an individual CSA has worked out. Ideally, before the season starts, farmer and shareholders decide what will be grown in the CSA and what the yield goals are. Ideally, the shareholders will share both the bounty and the shortfalls. (Ideally...)

My joke about holding back produce was probably misleading. What it comes down to is that people get tired of the same things week after week. Believe it or not, they get tired of edamame three weeks in a row!! We always alternate the color beans we plan bi-weekly, etc. Anyway, there will always be some of something that's not enough or not popular enough to go out in a share in a given week.

The area north of NYC seems to be CSA country. I do imagine that this MASS CSA has no problem selling shares.

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