Hi! Gary,
You make a very valid point.

It is fine for those of us who have been around a while to speak in some sort of
cryptic short hand, that only we understand, but what about the casual visitor
or those early on the path and wondering what it is all about. Good point and
one that should be addressed by Allan as the list Sysop.

Most of the people on the list are much more experienced than I am. I have been
non chemical for a period, organic for a shorter period and Biodynamic for even
a lessor period. The further confuse you I am really into Permaculture,
Radiesthesia and Radionics!

All these fit together for me, into a way of producing food (mainly for me and
my family) that is GM Free, Chemical Free and as healthy as we know at this
point in time. In our heavily compromised soil in the remote parts of Oz, we
have to start with balancing the minerals in the soil and adding a lot of
carbon, just to get a soil that was worth starting on.

BD, as covered on the list, be it US or Oz or NZ or other, is the cumulating of
many years of evolution, starting from the original lectures by RS. RS
encouraged us to further develop his work and to add to it. Unfortunately, like
happens in some religions, there are those who believe they are the only ones
who know the "the truth". On this list there are also many free minded ones who
know enough, to know they do not know it all. They are the ones who you should
share with. They will admit they can still learn. They will tell you  all they
know and take time to listen to you. If you have specific questions, feel free
to post them to the list.


Port Lincoln

gary elliott wrote:

> What is it you have, and why should I listen?
> That, my friends, is the nub of what you need to answer..
> Clarify your message, and foment a revolution of thought in your target
> audience. Which is the world.

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