> I think there is some case to be made that RS did
> have +some+ association
> with the OTO, although this was obviously not the
> same OTO made

That sounds about right.  I knew he had to have had
some relations with OTO or there wouldn't be so many
references to him with them.

>  And I, for one, would not be surprised if he
> checked tham out more
> thoroughly than he or his followers are prepared to
> admit.

But then he
> fell in with Marie who
> taught him upper-class social graces; how to tie his
> cravat and all, and
> started up with the retired pensioners and mouldy
> theosophists.  In some
> ways, I think it was downhill from there.  At least
> the fun was over.

I like the bit about Marie.  I always wondered how the
guy into Rosicrucianism, OTO, and peasant wisdom ended
up so stuffy.

I am very big on anthro-centrics looking at the
history of RS and the different groups he learned from
and shared with and the previous sources of that
stuff.  If people understood that Steiner didn't just
pop up out of a vacuum as the only one of his kind,
there would be much less confusion and blind dogmatism
around this stuff.  And, thus, we also wouldn't have
to listed to Greg Willis' bombast about the same.


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