Dear Stephen, Chris,

Subject: Re: Ordo Templi Orientis and RS

  I conulted one of the few living old time anthroposophists here in
Vancouver ,BC, (now 84) and one of the four living founders of the Canadian
Anthroposophical Society, when it split off from the American Anthr. Soc. in
> I think there is some case to be made that RS did have +some+ association
> with the OTO, although this was obviously not the same OTO made
> (in)famous, much later, by Crowley.
RS, while in Berlin, reached the 33rd Level within the OTO, or Free Mason. I
guess that is "some" association.  Chris-I guess he was "their type" after

 He did get the charter to use the
> Memphis-Misraim rituals for the First Esoteric School (pre-WWI) from them.

No relationship between rituals of OTO and Esoterische Stunde (1910-1914).

Hope this helps to clarify things, folks.




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