Dear Chris:

--- Chris Shade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OTO likes to calim him as one of theirs, but it does
> not surprise me if he was not.  He doesn't seem their
> type.  Certainly not a bloodsugarsexmagic kind of guy.
> thanks for the research.

I think there is some case to be made that RS did have +some+ association
with the OTO, although this was obviously not the same OTO made
(in)famous, much later, by Crowley.  He did get the charter to use the
Memphis-Misraim rituals for the First Esoteric School (pre-WWI) from them.
 And I, for one, would not be surprised if he checked tham out more
thoroughly than he or his followers are prepared to admit.
I mean, he hung out with hard-core Red Radicals like Rosa Luxumberg, Karl
Liebknecht, and Rosa Mayreder, and, by all accounts, had a great time with
them and others in bohemian Berlin.  But then he fell in with Marie who
taught him upper-class social graces; how to tie his cravat and all, and
started up with the retired pensioners and mouldy theosophists.  In some
ways, I think it was downhill from there.  At least the fun was over.



"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that 
we are powerful beyond measure."   Nelson Mandela, inaugural speech, 1994

"The less you bet, the more you lose when you win."  Wyatt Earp 

"He not busy being born is busy dying."   Bob Dylan

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