Dear Happy Biodynamic specialists,

 I really do wish you luck in trying to promote/use/educate bd methods
divorced from spirituality and the great big world out there! Frankly, I am
tired of being the object of people's bull shit, anger, misplaced emotions
or just frustration because I have this idea that bd is part of a larger
whole. I am tired of trying to explain myself and why I feel it necessary to
sometimes forward posts from GlobalNews and other sources which touch on
spirituality, drought, politics and war from around the world.

Here in the northern hemisphere, it is winter, and usually there is a lot of
conversation on this list. I don't know what's up other than the pervasive
fear and paranoia that my government so successfully is spreading around. I
really felt that woman journalist's piece to be totally germaine to our
conversations on bdnow, because she put a human face on people, yes PEOPLE
who our government is intent on demonizing. War is complex, it is never
black and white. People who are our so called enemies, are still human, with
spirits, souls, families and complicated life situations.

Wouldn't it be nice if the US would lift the embargo so that Iraqi children
and their parents could receive much needed medicines and food, especially
now that we have spent umpty years polluting their country with plutonium
and god only knows what else? Perhaps that would inspire their leaders to
give up their weapons.

Wouldn't it be nice if the embargo against me were lifted so I didn't have
to process all your ire? Believe it or not, Will and the many others who no
doubt complain to Allan and me on this list, I actually choose very
carefully the posts I send in to bdnow. I usually (or try to) even include
the OT (off  topic) in the subject header even though, in my world, these
posts are NOT OFF TOPIC.

If you're here to only learn bd, so be it. I'm really over this stuff. For
those of you who know how to use a delete key, or have a faster connection
feel free to contact me privately, and I'll send you subscription info to be
on the free GlobalNews mailing list which can also be accessed on the web,
if you don't want all the messages coming into your mailbox.

So, stay in your special bd list, your special bd world, and keep wondering
how to get those ideas out in the world.

Sorry, Allan, but I do have other things going on in my life, and for now, I
am over and out. Call me a lurker.

Jane Sherry

> From: Will Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:00:34 -0600
> Subject: to Jane Sherry
>> this stuff, which
>> mostly comes by way of my ex-journalist-husband-who-reads-everything's-
>> mailing list. If you can't tell, he reads really fast!!!
> JEEZ!!!

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