Hi Jane,
ALthough I dont get time to read all the posts you put on BDNOw, I really
appreciate it. I would have no chance of reading or checking out the whole
websites/papers that others are able to access and read.

So if you decide to run a separate mailing list for your other news stories,
I would like to be on it please.

I have especially taken note of the nutritional stories, as I find it
interesting watching the evolving awakening to real food in the USA. AS we
follow US leads in Australia, I know we are a few years behind in this
change - not that we always go as far into things as Americans seem to do.

I have also appreciated the stories re the Iraq war and Bush Admin. I have
sent quite a few to a nephew in USA, who is far right and pro Bush, and he
repudiates them, so I am learning quite a lot of the different approaches .
He recently visited me here and was thrilled that at least I listened and
stayed friends - more than he could do at home.
 I just find it so fascinating how all this information can be twisted to
show whatever truth we want. It happens in every aspect of life and I see
this as one of those lessons in learning discernment.

We work with this "aspect of truth" in so many areas of life - the GE
debate, conventional agriculture versus organic/BD, even into how we work
with Biodynamics!! So how can we ever hope to know the truth if we dont get
to see all sides of the discussion.

That was what Steiner asked Pfeiffer to do - learn it all, science and
Anthrposophical , then compare to find the truth in the matter.

So Jane, I find it sad that people do not want this included in the BD Now
site, maybe it will come back in other ways at some later stage.

Cheryl Kemp
Education and Workshop Coordinator
Biodynamic AgriCulture Australia
Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
Home: 02 6657 5306
web: www.biodynamics.net.au

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jane Sherry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: to Jane Sherry

> Dear Happy Biodynamic specialists,

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