I've lost Sharon Carson and now Jane Sherry, two really fine women on
our list.  Now, we'll all be flexible, shut up from our inanities and
lurk while you get your chance to be brilliant.

Women also can develop a deep interest in a subject and follow it.
Often when we do not have the scientific or math background or the same
learning style as the males, we are made to feel inferior when we try to
lead. After spending much time developing our material, we find the man
we want most to share with can't listen and thinks that he has the right
to lead just because of his male cultural background even if he hasn't
done one whit of research in that area of interest, and WE NEED HIM
because he is a man and can understand and do things we can't do.

We're really getting into it here.  Both Jane and I have an interest
that is not technical.  In fact, we are both neophytes who don't have
the temperament to be lurkers in the cutting edge field of BD, and are
trying to contribute something worthwhile.  Will, I can't afford to
subscribe to magazines or buy books.  I'm starved for intellectual input
on subjects I'm interested in. My girlfriends and my husband don't share
my interest in farming and BD.  Believe it or not, I'm the Lone Ranger
here.  Barbara and Woody are far away.  The news media stink, even PBS.
I get most of my information off the net and found Jane's offerings as
good as WTO Watch list/serve, my main source of political information.
I don't always know what some of you are talking about, but I put
people's names and concept names in the search engine and learn.  It's
fascinating and quite a stretch sometimes.

Gentlemen all, even with all this, I wouldn't want to be without you.
My husband is reading 1421 by Gavin Menzies and I'm reading his stuff on
Von Daniken and Sitchen.  I'm trying to get him to help me make a
homemade compost tea machine and he thinks he already knows everything
about it without listening to me.  I love him!



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