As a very quick reply....  meaning, no documentation
just how to do it.

Get Benbrooks paper from EcoFarm.

It has all the data on pesticide residues and children.
It is an essential document.

Get Virginia Worthington's paper.  See the summary on
mineral depletion in foods.

Make a connect between these minerals and
the five major disease killers, and notice that
some of these same lacking minerals are important
biochemical regulators.

See the new information on phytochemicals,
nutraceuticals, and functional foods.

Gain understanding of holism in whole foods
vs food broken apart by processing or by
making active ingredient extracts for pharmaceutical

The UC-Davis paper was about polyphenolics;
i.e., phytochemicals.  A lot is emerging on this.
Again, holism is the key.

See Alan Kapuler's researh on amino acids
and genetics.

See all the other research from Soil Association,

Et al.... gather a bunch of different pieces together.

Now get into BD qualitative assessment methods:
circular chromatography, sensitive crystallization
or better known these days as biocrystallization,
and capillary dynamolysis.

Now get into water quality assessment methods
and tie together water as a carrier of information
and energetic quality to the vital quality of foods.

Talk about organic foods and what they offer:
*pesticide free
*sewage-sludge free
*GMO free
*toxic-laden commercial fertilizer free

Now you got it.   It is all woven together.

Now you got a Powerful picture.

Steve Diver

Allan Balliett wrote:

> >But don't look for more studies as the magic
> >elixir that will make a difference; go get all the
> >studies and concepts that already exist and
> >you will have a powerful statement, as is.
> Steve - Without the studies, everything you mention can be brushed
> off as advertising. My request doesn't come out of thin air, it is
> the request of someone who is actively marketing locally and has been
> doing it for some time.
> It is also the request of a person who is standing separate from
> federal organic certification who feels that he should have at least
> a few studies to show the superiority of food that's grown WITH
> nature rather than wrested out of Nature.
> I don't want to make 'promises' to people, I want to show them that
> what I 'believe' can actually be demonstrated, either through trials
> or through lab work.
> Where are these studies that you speak of? I hope you have a list of
> them because I have yet to find any that show a substantial enough
> difference between BD food and conventional food for me to be
> anything but embarassed because I talk about our food being superior.
> I also work with pastured livestock. I have to tell you that the
> documentation posted at does an incredible job of
> clinching sales. People can related to concepts like "CLAs" readily.
> Pretty soon, they know exacty what is missing in chainstore foods.
> That's what I want: something I can point at that substantially
> differentiates 'our food' from 'theirs.'
> Here I'm talking about talking to people who cannot see, touch, smell
> or taste our wonderful, delicate produce.
> -Allan

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