I think, more than any scientific data on the breakdown of particles 
of food, if the grower concentrates on becoming the healthiest 
person he can be, brimming with vitality himself. His farm or 
orchard or garden (ideally) shimmering with energy and good 
health, then his customers, his visitors, everyone who comes in 
contact with him is bound to notice the vast difference between 
themselves and him. 
It's like those Bowflex (exercise machine) commercials, by 
showing viewers how it works for 'them', they can envision what 
benefits to themselves might be. They could be saying "buy my 
sweaty gym shoes, and you, too will feel the difference." and 
people will do it just to emulate the people they see (that they want 
to look and feel like.)
If you constantly tell everyone what horrible things chemicals do to 
our land, our waterways, our foodstuffs, they'll eventually turn it all 
off. "What can I do, after all, what difference does ONE person 
make?" But, if you show them what a difference it makes TO one 
person, they'll come in for a taste, and probably come back for 

Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8 

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