Dear Steve,
I don't know if I have missed something, but what would you perceive as the
essential difference between broadcasting from an egg filled with compost
teas and preps etc, compared to a Hugh Lovel field broadcaster or using a
radionic instrument such as a Bruce Copen, Don Mattioda, Rae or Kelly?

The great advantage of radionic instruments is in the realm of analysis.
There is no comparable method for making comparisons between different
strategies before you use them. Many times I have found that the use of a
particular BD preparation would actually decrease soil vitality. How do you
work out whether homoeopathically potentised sea water will be a better
ionising agent to induce cleaning up of the ether than BD preps.

It is obvious that you see merit in being able to broadcast without actually
having to cover the ground. So at least we are all on common ground with
that one.
The next question is how to measure the effectiveness of the broadcast. the
only reliable and cheap method is to use the most sensitive of all
instruments, the human body. This sensitivity of the human body is the basis
of Radionics and Dowsing.
You are obviously using the sensitivity of your antennae system to be able
to declare unequivocally that the range of your broadcast mechanism is
exactly 12000 feet. Is this an arbitrary estimation or do you have an
internal measurement system that is able to measure exactly 12000 ft?
When I set out to define the edge of a broadcast field it is only possible
for me to roughly guess what the distance is, or to use my pendulum to find
the distance.

The most common question which beginners will ask about BD is 'how do I know
if it is working'. How do I know what preps to use and when without having
to rely on a cook book solution from whoever is in as the Guru of the day.
Radionics and Dowsing can tell you this. They are tools which can enable a
person to find what is happening in the natural realm of subtle energies,
and it is in the realm of subtle energies that we must delve to be able to
judge radionics.
Man does not make the energies that are used in radionics, as he does not
make the energies that he detects or utilises with his antennae system. They
are already there and mankind uses them or focuses them towards what he
desires. You do not create the mechanism for electro magnetic wave
propagation which is being used to broadcast the energies from your amphora,
you are only using the phenomena to be able to focus energy and transmit it
where needed.
I perceive from previous posts a difficulty in reconciling your world view
of substances as being either alive, or not alive. My world view is that
everything is alive therefore I can't see such a dynamic system as
homoeopathy as producing dead substance.
The favoured method in Australia is to use Electronic Homeopathy to prepare
reagents for radionic transmission.
The only debate that I can see with the use of radionics is 'what are the
force fields being created from our instruments and are they having the
effect that we desire? That is the subject for another post.

The use of homeopathic preparations has been  discussed many times so I do
not need to elaborate further except that RS obviously saw that there could
be benefit in this method. Kolisko's research also confirmed this view.
To compare research methods, results and observations of broadcast
mechanisms without the angst which at times is passed off as discussion will
open up a whole new line of discussion.

Just for the record we are now into our fifth year of using BD preps, both
hand stirred and radionically prepared and sprayed out. Radionic broadcast
by various means has also been used. On the criteria of having put the preps
out for more than 2 years  I am able to discuss the subject from any angle
because I have done it.
Kind regards
James Hedley

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

> In a message dated 3/31/03 11:02:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << Heck I'm not trying to convert you guys to radionics you have no need
> it - just see our side of the story - and try to appreciate why we (or
> of us) are so interested in these other ways of doing things.
> Cheers
> Lloyd Charles >>
> What about an egg shaped urn buried in the earth, the one I have has a
> foot influence on the farm and surrounding area.  I fill it with teas of
> bc, 501 508, nettles, etc...sstorch

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