Title: Re: Mad cow update ect...

Lloyd  You wrote last week

Hi Markess

>You've instanced Johnies disease - we have it rampant in south east aussie at the moment (sip)
It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with meat protein feeding - these are sheep run on open grazing country - grass fed animals! The fact that there is a huge soil imbalance problem (calcium is under 20% CEC in many of the worst areas) has escaped the scrutiny of officialdom, some farmers in the fine wool areas are loosing over 20% of their flock annually, while others that test infected but have decent soil test numbers are not experiencing mortalities much different than uninfected. Its a transmissable disease and there is a vaccine, no one has wanted to look at the soil mineral side of this . common factors are : extremely low calcium; acidity sufficient to make available aluminium high (enough to be detrimental to pasture growth); a long 50+years history of superphosphate fertiliser (high cadmium in early days)

My point & understanding of dis-eases that in corporate  micro-organisms & possible most parasites is that they (the secondary organisms) are only trying to clean out the garbage in the primary bodies.
Whether this is garbage from rendered parts or poisoned range feed is beside the point. Toxicity of food in this case is being handled by several organisms.

SEs have no secondary organism involvement - only the primary!

>(from one of your earlier posts)The other & most important Manganese soars was downed Japanese bombers during the war providing the tribes with their first metal pots & pans. The metal a Alu & Mng alloy
>???I thought the metal used in aircraft was aluminium - magnesium alloy - manganese is used extensively in steel making to bring hardness/toughness but aircraft are mostly made of the silver metals?  

Seeing neither of us know first hand on this one we will have to just smile and realize we all collect the data to support our personal belief system as you pointed out with your hipperoony observation!

In love & Light

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