Title: Re: Mad cow update ect...
Chris you wrote a bit ago.

I don't have the book here but RS wrote That if you feed cows meat the cows
will become deranged and you will get a mad heard.  From "Nutrition and
Stimulants" Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

It seems as though Rudolf Steiner's research has not left a permanent
impression on this group.

This is not taking anything away from Marks work, there is just more at work
than crude chemistry. BD hopefully focuses its attention on more subtle
energies that are much more elusive to typical modern thinking than looking
for the obvious material answers.(snip)

There are indeed many dis-eases that stem from feeding meat/by-pass protein - Jonies (sp?) etc.

I do not believe SEs are one of them. The historic data appears to most strongly support that in certain terrain's and areas (Iceland and possibly here in the North Blue Mounds area of WI USA.) the terra firma herself seems to be the largest contributing factor. The terra factor has a major role in setting up the prerequisites for a particular set that need a human precipitating factor. Then some are totally man made in vBSE and vCJD and I see a vCWD in captive herds. In the later group animal by-products were feed sources for a factor that still require a great set of input to set the wholistic pattern to destruction.

But Chris you are -from what I hear from you- setting up a reductionistic cause  = outcome equation that does not hold water do to the vast amounts of this feed  that is used around the world and a overall incidents of 1 in a million of SEs. Please note that the term Mad-Cow described a blank stare and drooling.

I do think you had made a great point a while back with pointing out the nature of all di-ease is an energetic in nature. The governments mis & dis -information of prion mis-folding is a great example!

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