A SE NSW project to compare three methods of revegetation of degraded landscape, namely Biodynamic, Compost Assisted, and Conventional, was recently compromised by the inadvertent application of superphosphate to the biodynamic portion.

The project commenced in Nov 2001. Immediately prior to the application, the status of the trial was as follows:

Biodynamic Paddock, approx 20 hectares. Nineteen hectares of this has received seven sprays of BD500 at BACA recommended rates and three of 501 ditto, the preps being supplied by the association and mixed using John Wilkes-style flowforms. The remaining hectare was included in the first of the above sprays (back-to-back 500/501) and then hand-sprayed with radionically prepared 500 & 501 at the same times as the others. In addition, the full paddock received three sprays of liquid soil conditioner (compost tea) prepared on site and applied at 100L per hectare between August and December last year. All of these formulations were completely natural, none contained or were assisted by chemicals. The latest site report (24 May 03) by the consultants (leaders in their field in the SE region) stated in part "There is a marked improvement in the fertility present as compared to the conventional section over the time of the trial. The soils are slightly softer and better able to absorb water compared to the conventional site and as it all was at the beginning."

Compost Assisted Paddock, approx 10 hectares. This has had one application of 30 tonnes of commercially produced compost applied in June last year and three sprays of the same liquid conditioner as above.

Conventional Paddock, approx 10 hectares. This has had three sprays of the same liquid conditioner as above, mainly to keep it viable until seeding time. The plan called for weedicide to be applied before seeding (if required) and the application of superphosphate to encourage and facilitate growth.

It is pointless crying over spilt milk. It is equally pointless to expend $A16K on a trial and then just walk away from it with nothing to show for the exercise. Accordingly, Project Management has recommended the occurrence be treated as an 'act of God' and incorporated into the plan, so that from now on the trial will be comparing the effect of Biodynamic substances plus a minimal amount of super with Compost Assisted and Conventional. This will give a four-way comparison at the scheduled end of the trial instead of three-way. The probability is that some farmers would decide to add super in any case to 'kick' any improvement along and this extended comparison could therefore be of considerable benefit one way or another.

The purpose of this email is to invite sane and constructive comments on how BDNOW! members would handle the above scenario if placed in the same position as Project Management.



Natural Earth Healing Circle
(Link 1, NSW)

Ph / Fax: +61 2 6255 3824
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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