Gil Robertson wrote:

May I ask why superphosphate was applied to the reveg, assuming it is native veg, as most do not handle super at all well.

I said it was 'inadvertent', I cannot go further than that.

My guess is that the BD area will handle the super better than the other areas, thus giving the impression it was to right thing to include.

Yes, I must admit I have had thoughts that it happened because it was needed to. Part of my philosophy is that the soil dictates its needs to the Universe. The Project Manager, however, thought the occurrence an absolute disaster and the consultant ain't too happy either!

Is there any visual difference between the standard BD and the Radionic BD?

Visually, not much, but we are going into winter. Energetically I would say the radionic has an 'edge' on the standard. That is purely my impression from energies picked up walking the different areas. We could probably make a more valid comparison next spring.

Care to tell me something about the Natural Earth Healing Circle? Off line if required.

In its infancy as yet. The concept is groups (links) of people applying natural healing methods to land and water problems be they large or small, broadacre, smallholding or garden. In my opinion humankind has proved conclusively that there is far more to caring for/repairing our environment than the mere and continued application of chemicals and the scientific approach.

Take for example the current debate (on this list) on the legality or otherwise of 'standard' BD preps. Philosophically I have a great difficulty with having to kill animals to produce BD substances no matter how beneficial the end products might be. In this house even stray spiders and cockroaches get politely removed and placed elsewhere.

Neither do I believe that cow horns are the only container in which BD500/501 can be produced. What I do believe is that in the simplistic equation 'cow manure + cow horn + horn clay + 6 months burial in the ground = BD500' something vital is missing. Equally so if we change the equation to read 'energy + energy + energy + 6 months burial in the ground = BD500'. Were we to identify that 'vital' something, the container question would likely resolve itself.

Let me apparently digress a moment. Walking through any patch of woodland, I will see trees that stand straight and true, that lean this way, that way and every which way, that have branch systems which resemble whirlpools in wood. To all intents and purposes, certainly to the majority of eyes that see them, these leaning and/or misshapen trees have grown naturally into these conformations. To a dowser or someone who works with natural energy, the truth is that trees grow according to the forces applied to them - and these include natural energy flows and vortices which cause trees to lean or whirlpool or writhe upwards.

Try this. Walk towards a growing tree your own height with a divining rod held at head height, it will react to the aura at a short distance from the trunk. Repeat the exercise 100mm down. Keep on doing it lower and lower at similar intervals, sooner or later you will reach a point near the trunk from which the next 'stop' will be further out. Write the results down. Repeat the exercise three times around the tree, write everything down and draw it on a graph. Then go and look at Glen Atkinson's 'Spiral Astrology' on his website; almost instantly you will see an image very like the one on your graph - a double spiral. Actually a double vortex. He is using it to demonstrate cosmic and earth forces - the same forces which shape trees.

What has this to do with BD preps? We have just passed the time when multitudes of cow horns stuffed with cow manure and clay have been buried in the ground for their maturation. I venture to suggest that if a dowser were to conduct the above exercise with an imaginary tree growing at the centre of a maturation site, he/she would detect the top section of a double vortex. Being a dowser, he/she would be able to 'read' below ground as well and find the bottom half.

Think about it.


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