Dear Greg,

you must have a degree in marketing..... your last post reads like any other advertisement for whatever agricultural product one could think of.
I have been oberserving your posts now for a while and I have to say it is always the same pattern ..... you and your Agri-Synthesis Field Sprays are the best and nearly everyone else has got it wrong  and is stupid - at times you call others even idiots -  well what a sensitive and charming way of dealing with each other !!!
Could you agree on the fact that EVERYONE within this movement has got only the best intentions to do as good as they can, to do their best for this planet and his/her fellow human being ? Of course some are smarter, more switch on, not so dogmatic and so on - but do you know what the responsibilty of the ones who got the gift being smarter etc is - it is to use that advantage not just to your own benefit but to help the ones which are not on that level yet.
I am sure you have got a lot to offer to the bio-dynamic work and the agricultural field in generall  and I would be very much interested to hear more in detail about  your work and the results but just these advertising campagnes  .... I don`t know they are counterproductiv at best.
Now  allow me to comment on your calculations :
according to your calculation your sprays are $ 1.46/ha /application cheaper compared to the b.d preps -  is that what you call a bargain ?? I would call it a joke . I might add that if someone runs a 30 acre farm you don`t need stirring equipment for $ 3000dollars , you get yourself a good wooden barrell ,build a good set up and stirr by hand  -as you pointed out correctly probably the best way of doing it- you can stirr the required amout for 30 acres in one hour if you are not strong enough or your set up is not adequte  it just takes twice as long ,  the spray equipment can be build in every farm workshop for $ 500 and it will do the 30 acres in one hour. If you can`t do this on 30 acres  something is wrong . It is a different story on larger areas .
on my own place the cost  per ha is $ 10.28 incl. costs for preps , Horn clay incl , varibale  and some fixed equipment costs and labour per application.
Some other points
To say that machine or flowform stirred preps lose up to 90% of their effectivness is just not right.
this talk about problems with filtering, storage etc is amatter af being set up right  this argument is just a lot of dust....
Have you read lately Hamishs post about significant water savings on b.d farms ? or the comparative DOC trials for decades in Switzerland or the data from many succesfully operating b.d. farms around the world  ? And you are saying bio-dynamics does not work?
You are talking about scientific evidence - well there is indeed scientific evidence that bio-dynamics works (by the way I have not seen any of that regarding your work) but really scientific evidence is not  that important to me anymore I have been involved in research a few years now and I have observed how some of this so called scientific evidence comes about .... many many question marks  - for me it is much more about applying common sense and looking around what does work and what not.
Unfortunately there are indeed quite afew poor examples of  bio-dynamic farms around and there are a lot of things handled very poorly within Demeter etc    and because of that it is  important that we become better and stronger by working together and not against each other.
Regards Tobias

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