Greg Willis on his noble white charger wrote:

Good.  I got you all thinking.  Some of your
criticisms are absolutely justified and I will address
them now and later.  Others are not.

Well, that was quite a mouthful, Mr Willis, quite a mouthful. One wonders if it is not a case of 'Methinks the person doth protest too much'.

This life round, I do not have any degrees or diplomas. Nor do I have any land of my own. Nor does my income stream come from making or selling BD preps or substances. So I have no axes to grind in these areas.

I know BD preps work, with or without horn clay. I do not need any scientific gobble-de-gook to back up that knowledge. I could take you to an 8 acre farm on the outskirts of Ashburton in NZ which 17 years ago was a gravel pit, and show you Paradise, all produced through BD500 and hard work. In the town itself in a central position is a version of the flowforms you deprecate so patronisingly and knowlegeably - in its first month of operation it dropped the crime rate by 5%.

More to the point perhaps, I know why BD preps work. Even, to a degree, how they work. The simple answer is they are pure energy in material form. Take a chunk of margarine or lead or anything and put it through a radionic machine of a certain type and it will give you a reading of the finite energy contained within it. Try it with 500 or 501 and the reading will go off the scale - the device has not yet been designed which can measure the infinite energy in the preps.

You speak of homeopathy. 9 gms of 500 mixed with 34 litres of water, the standard mix for one hectare, is a pretty heavy dilution, wouldn't you agree? But the rate of dilution or amount of homeopathic base doesn't matter because we are dealing with the pure energy contained within the prep, and the stirring or flowform action multiplies that energy a thousandfold - at least!

Likewise, you have good products and you have done well so far, my 'advisers' say. But they also say the energy could be purer and go further. I listen to my advisers, they are the same ones RS had, and in this little part of Australia with their help we are changing the way the world works.

There was nothing wrong with the horse and buggy era until chemical farming came along. When you say the world's agri- businesses won't take up BD because there's no money in it, you speak truth. Wouldn't the simple answer to farming's ills be to show them how to make money out of it?


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