Hi James,

G'day Graeme,
It seems as if you are the one who wants to find the answers to this particular problem. it could be an interesting thing for you to wrap your mind around as it is your passion or desire to explore this.
Obviously you have this need to discuss it, but don't try Dorothy Dixer type questions. Come out and explain your point of view.After all you are the one who has the benefit of the literature that you are reading.
Looking forward to hearing from you what your position is on this subject.

I think I have stated my position pretty clearly about radionics. i.e. that it has nothing to do with biodynamics as described by Steiner - and nothing to do with the organic BD preps. You can put homoeopathic remedies in your pipe or pictures or whatever, as well as BD preps or anything else. You can even put diseases in there (acc. to Hieronymous)

You see, one thing on top of another, on top of another, then the whole plot is lost.
Take homoeopathy. You are of adequate years to know that homoeopathy was originally a system of understanding of health and disease. When homoeopaths learned their skill and developed their talent, it was about learning the nature of the human being, physiology, the evolution of illness. Practitioners had to work on themselves to obtain clarity of perception and thought in order to see the person before them and properly diagnose. The selection of a remedy was integral, but minor to that process, as was the remedy itself. (I am married to a homoeopath you see and am a little familiar with the classical homoeopathic world).
Later, people became obsessed with the whole dilution thing - then machines and gadgets and cards and other paraphernalia. The art and science of diagnosis is being lost to people with gadgets who play no conscious or active role anymore. It makes me think of cyborgs. People are deluded by the technological, forgetting the astounding potential of their own human thought and interaction. It has regressed to the unconscious, instinctive thinking Steiner spoke of.
This style of homoeopathy just isn't homoeopathy. It doesn't share the same aims even, only a distorted version of a technique.
Succussion and dilution is not homoeopathy. The fundamental principle is "Like cures like". If BD preps were homoeopathic in this sense - 500 would destroy humus, for example.
Just think about that. No, dilution is not the same thing as homoeopathy and the BD preps do not operate on a homoeopathic basis. 500 stimulates humus production - the complete opposite of what a homoepathic form of 500 would be expected to do. So logically - either all of homoeopathy is false, its founding principle is wrong and homoeopaths all over the world are deluded and placebo is king, or the principles are correct and the BD preps are not homoeopathic - just fairly high dilutions. Otherwise Lachesis (hom. snake venom for those others who may not know) would kill people every day, not cure them.
So. No, I have no problem with homoeopathy and no problem with the technique of high dilution and succussion, as such.

Now, as I have said,i think people are mistaking subtle energies and forces for life forces, i.e. Life Forces, the bio in "biodynamics". They aren't the same thing and I reckon you and the other radio guys know that, or ought to if you don't. Whatever, that's okay.
But back to the question, I got distracted. Is radionics the same thing as voodoo and holy relic cards. If you don't know James - that's okay too, but just say so. If you do know, tell me - I want to know but don't. Period. It's not a trick question. Maybe it is not even worth asking or interesting and that's why the focus has been on everything else?

PS Selling 1st and 2nd class relics is forbidden by the Catholic Church - only 3rd class relics can be sold - over the net or elsewhere.
PPS I do search out stuff on the net and elsewhere when I get the chance. Is there something wrong with that?

It's marvelous the bargains that can be picked up on the Internet isn't
it. Ex CIA radionic instruments and even first and second class relics
for $25.95 on your Visa Card. How on earth do you find such things. you
must go looking for them to buy, otherwise why waste your time.
You can even buy homeopathic remedies which have no life force, but some
people even have the stupidity to think that something that has no life
force such as homeopathic remedies could even work. Even RS must have
been mistaken  about homeopathic remedies. He advised the Kolisko's to
continue on with their work with homeopathic dilutions.
is your beef with anything that does not  concur with your belief
systems , or are you just acting as the devil's advocate.
James hedley.

Resonant Info wrote:

Gil, Have a look at a few websites on Voodoo and saints relics and inform yourself further. The popular view of sticking pins in dolls to harm others is, well, it is just one point of view on voodoo. Likewise I wasn't talking about the "Catholic Church", as you put it, but one particular belief of some Catholics. There are 3 kinds of relics. The first is a body part of a saint, the second is a piece of clothing worn by a saint and the third class is a piece of material that has touched a first class relic, or a holy site, like eg a footprint of a saint. In the past it could be that the chosen purpose of someone's life was to do a pilgrimage to a particular cathedral said to be built around or house a 1st or 2nd class relic. Now you can buy 3rd class relics over the net with your VISA card for $29.95 and you don't even have to prove you are of the Catholic faith to purchase. (I am sure if you shop around, you could get a similar or even better quality relic for a low low price. Greg W may be interested in this too.) It's just a side point, but I am afraid you contradict yourself about the use of radionics - that is is only used for good, and still you
 > worry about what the CIA may have used radionics instruments for.
 > You see, none of radionics is about actual, living substances and life
 > forces as described by Rudolf Steiner.  It's about other energies.  It
 is easy to get excited about these other forces and get confused.  To
 me, this is why Steiner presented the preps in the way he did, to try
 to ensure people don't get too "off the planet" and become confounded.
 It keeps you solid, grounded and respectful of life use the real
 preps.  It isn't just some spiritual hocus pocus thing, but real
 matter, organic matter derived from living things. If you do some
 serious thinking about this the distinction between these other forces
 and the biodynamic preps stands out like dog's balls (= Australian for
 "quite evident" for those less crassly inclined.)

 And, using the preps is about growing food for people - for the
 children who will be the "masters of earth" in a few years.  They are
 the people we must think of when we "do" biodynamics.  It is them that
 we are serving. Sometimes this aim is lost in the excitement of the
 practise of BD.

 Graeme Gerrard

While I would not like to put Radionics in the same basket as either Voodoo or the Catholic Church, but on the narrow point of Radionic Cards and Rates, there is room for some discussion.

 Radionics works solely on the ability of the Radionic Practitioner to
 focus their mind on something very specific for a period and to hold
 it there long enough to have the desired result. This may be "Send
 the energy of ( BD Prep.) to this portion of land indicated by this
 line on this map", to "Restore to normal function, the (organ) of
 (client)." or what ever. The actual command is usually more complex
 than that as it should include a time frame and other limiting
 factors, as those doing this sort of thing will know.

 In Radionics, the gadgetry, be it Black Boxes, Rae Cards, Rates,
 instruments with lots of knobs to play with, is only a tool to allow
 focus of the Practitioners mind. There are several systems that do
>> not use instruments as such. Some are paper based. They may be as
 simple as a drawing of part of an instrument, where one writes the
 settings and places the Witness, to a recent system that uses cards
 the size of a Rae Card but with colourful graphics and a number of
 these are placed in a little wooden tray with the Witness.

 I know of one long time Practitioner who has passed beyond
 instruments and talks to her clients on the phone and with her eyes
 closed, sends the healing at that time and would seem to get
 excellent results. I first experienced it when she analyzed and
 treated me during a conversation, for something I had not mentioned.
 (I am a long way from this myself.)

 From the above you can see that the use of the Voodoo Doll is not
 that far removed from the above, BUT, VooDoo is used for harm or at
 the lest control. With Radionics, we are taught to only work with the
 best possible intentions as what is send out will come back!! That I
 believe is the big difference between Radionics and Voodoo.

 I am going to be a squib and not get into specifics on the Catholic
 Church, as I would not want to say something that would seem that I
 was questioning someone else's belief structure. But in general
 terms, iconology has been used in some form by most formal religions.
 The function of an icon is not unlike the basic process in Radionics
 of allowing a point of focus. Where my knowledge falls short is that
 I do not know just how much two way communication goes on when an
 icon is focused upon. So I can't really comment.

 Going beyond the above. Australian Aboriginals had a process that can
 be seen as being in this area. Also Prof. Phil Callahan has
 researched an American Indian process which he sees as being a direct
 practice of Radionics. He has written a book which has been held back
 from publication. When I last had communication from him on this
 subject, it looked like he would not be publishing it. I think he was
 concerned about how the information would be used in the open community.

 On a worrying level, I noted a large number of out of date Radionic
 Instruments advertised for sale as ex-CIA. I was told that the CIA
 had used Radionic for some decades. I shudder to think to what end
 they did this. I suspect it was not to broadcast BD Preps.

 Resonant Info wrote:

Hi All, esp. Gil Lloyd,Gil, James and other radionic practitioners,

 I've been reading up a little on voodoo, catholic relics and such.
 There seems to be quite a strong parallel between say, Malcolm Rae
 cards and other representative forms of actual BD preps, and the
 holy icon cards and relics of the catholic saints.  Voodoo also
 shares this in its use of charms and prayer  seems remarkably like
 the expression of intent and request "if thy will be done"/God willing.

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