One thing I wanted to say about this is I have a problem with the way Radionics has been portrayed on BDNOW! The almost religious fever that pushes these things as being better than biodynamics is wrong. Radionics deals with non living Earthly forces and Biodynamics deals with living energies (soil bacteria, moon related water levels in the plants ect...) as well as a balancing out of the universal forces contained in the cow horns.

Now it may be that the practitioners of Radionics and Cosmic Pipes are healing something very great in 'The Spirit of Gaia' and that would be nearly impossible to argue with! Yes Radionics has its place in the energy system of the planet but is that instead of Biodynamics? NO! It must work in conjunction with it in a vastly different space. The point I am trying to get across is that the two systems can work quite well in conjunction with one another as long as both are being used.

As has been stated before and this is quite agreeable that with Radionics, if you want to cover a lot of ground, find the biggest Vortex on your property or positively flowing dragon line and blast your preps deeply into the ether. But if you are not dealing with the living forces appropriately you are not going to get very far. Humans can not live on manna from heaven alone.

Very simply put you have to deal properly with the living forces of a farm organism as well as the higher spiritual ones. To not concentrate the focus of your attention on a living life and turn your head completely towards the spiritual is to mearly live in a dualistic world which time and again has proven itself not work....we have to take care of both in a monism of mind!

We are after all just that little bit between Heaven and Earth!


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