Dear Eric, Lloyd, Graeme, et. al.,

I consider the Steiner reference to sympathetic vibratory physics as very
interesting, especially in the light of evidence that our governments,
particularly the US government, have top secret research projects going on
along the same lines as radionic and psychotronic research. They heve the
budgets, the manpower and the chain of command to do this research and to
keep it top secret. They seem to be doing the very things Steiner feared. It
is we who are sharing what we know and discover with the world, and
countering the dangerous trend of keeping it all secret for narrow, selfish

That is one thing to think about. Another is the fact that we all seem prone
to making what we might view in hindsight as mistakes. Hopefully we will all
enjoy the fruits of learning from these mistakes, and not just those
experimenting with radionics--though working with radionics has brought to
light several serious errors in past biodynamic practice, such as frequent
and one-sided use of 500 without 501 and without horn clay or some other
such unifying, balancing remedy. So I very much support the wish that we who
are experimenting with radionics can and will learn from out mistakes. The
mistakes are manifold and the learning process is rather slow, though it
does seem to be incremental. It is important that we honestly and publicly
acknowledge and discuss these mistakes. While it may seem embarassing, it is
a sign of egoic maturity when we publically acknowledge our mistakes. You
might take a second look at any political figures who do this sort of thing,
as it is as much needed as it is rare.

Anyway, let us please not fall into such traps as labling radionic preps as
"not real" or invalidating the primary making of preps as unnecessary.
Either of these partisan views tends to create divisions. What we need
instead is an open forum for sharing what we know--something we can rely
upon our governments not to do from time to time and case to case.


BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Myren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

> Sir I respect your opinions and I find your words to be thoughtful and
> full of insight I hope you can be a voice of reason for these people. I
> only pray that the practioners of these energies come to realize some
> of the mistakes I see that they are making and change the focus of
> their attention. The only Radionics that they need to practice is that
> of their Corpus Callosum.....
> On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 11:51 PM, James Hedley wrote:
> > Dear Eric,
> > Greetings from the land of the Wizards of Oz.
> > Which posts do you think push Radionics with an almost religious
> > fervour. As
> > far as I can see most radionic practitioners on this list bend over
> > backwards to try and give both methods equal time.
> > I dont see that anyone on BDnow is trying to take any persons cherished
> > beliefs from them. I personally have always advocated the use of both
> > methods(radionics and BD)
> > As for Radionics not being in the mindset of RS philosophy how would
> > you
> > react to a most fortunate find of a lecture of RS in Holland, in 1918
> > where
> > he discussed what would happen if we did not take up Sympathetic
> > Vibratory
> > Physics ( as promoted by Keely, Russel and Tesla), whose work provided
> > the
> > theoretical base for the technology which has become known as
> > Radionics and
> > Psychotronics. which would move mankind into a new type of
> > spirituality and
> > save a lot of work. At the present time I only have an abstract of the
> > lecture translated from the Dutch but will try to get the full text.
> > One small part that is pertinent "Now for Mankind to reach its
> > spiritual
> > goal it is necessary that these separate occult faculties will not
> > separate
> > humanity in three opposing groups. Because for instance if the
> > "West-people"
> > only develop their material-mechanical occultism and keep it for
> > themselves,
> > even use it to oppress the other peoples, and hold them in their
> > (economical) power, the West will become "soulless", bound to the
> > material
> > side of life on this planet." This was quoted on the problems which RS
> > saw
> > would occur if SPV was not allowed to evolve.
> > Interesting material. Maybe we also need to look at what is likely to
> > happen
> > to mankind if the spiritual impulses developing in other areas of the
> > globe
> > are not allowed to develop.
> > Maybe some of you out there will be able to tell me.
> > James Hedley
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Eric Myren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 5:07 AM
> > Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics
> >
> >
> >> One thing I wanted to say about this is I have a problem with the way
> >> Radionics has been portrayed on BDNOW! The almost religious fever that
> >> pushes these things as being better than biodynamics is wrong.
> >> Radionics deals with non living Earthly forces and Biodynamics deals
> >> with living energies (soil bacteria, moon related water levels in the
> >> plants ect...) as well as a balancing out of the universal forces
> >> contained in the cow horns.
> >>
> >> Now it may be that the practitioners of Radionics and Cosmic Pipes are
> >> healing something very great in 'The Spirit of Gaia' and that would be
> >> nearly impossible to argue with!  Yes Radionics has its place in the
> >> energy system of the planet but is that instead of Biodynamics? NO! It
> >> must work in conjunction with it in a vastly different space. The
> >> point
> >> I am trying to get across is that the two systems can work quite well
> >> in conjunction with one another as long as both are being used.
> >>
> >> As has been stated before and this is quite agreeable that with
> >> Radionics, if you want to cover a lot of ground, find the biggest
> >> Vortex on your property or positively flowing dragon line and blast
> >> your preps deeply into the ether. But if you are not dealing with the
> >> living forces appropriately you are not going to get very far. Humans
> >> can not live on manna from heaven alone.
> >>
> >> Very simply put you have to deal properly with the living forces of a
> >> farm organism as well as the higher spiritual ones. To not concentrate
> >> the focus of your attention on a living life and turn your head
> >> completely towards the spiritual is to mearly live in a dualistic
> >> world
> >> which time and again has proven itself not work....we have to take
> >> care
> >> of both in a monism of mind!
> >>
> >> We are after all just that little bit between Heaven and Earth!
> >>
> >> PEACE
> >> ERIC
> >>
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