I can confirm that the UWN200 (and UWN100) are working well with the fix 
Robert mentioned.  I'm getting a solid connection with WPA2 encryption.

On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 5:51:19 PM UTC-5, Jason Kridner wrote:
> The latest BeagleBone Debian images are now posted at: 
> http://beagleboard.org/latest-images/
> If you've upgraded the firmware on your BeagleBone or BeagleBone Black in 
> the past, the experience will be quite similar, but you might find the eMMC 
> flashing times a bit faster (~15 minutes rather than ~45 minutes) due to 
> less post-installation processing. Using the 2GB uSD card image also 
> flashes a bit faster and can be resized to whatever your uSD card size is 
> using some scripts under /opt/scripts/tools.
> Many, many thanks to Robert Nelson, Rob Rittman, Dave Anders, Cody Lacey, 
> the Cloud9 IDE team and so many others in getting us this far.
> Please take the time to give a detailed look over this image and report 
> any issues to the bug tracker on elinux.org:
> http://bugs.elinux.org/projects/debian-image-releases
> While plugged in over USB, you'll see the familiar BEAGLE_BONE drive with 
> START.htm to tell you how to get the drivers configured if you haven't 
> already done so:
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Clicking the link or visiting, you'll see the familiar 
> on-board served documentation:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> I've introduced a few bugs to the documentation (
> http://github.com/beaglebone/bone101 and 
> http://beagleboard.github.io/bone101), so expect to find a lot of issues 
> there. Patches are welcome as are notes in the bug tracker to make sure I 
> don't miss dotting any i's or crossing any t's. This is your chance to try 
> to get some documentation into the system you'd like to see. I felt it was 
> pretty safe to save the documentation as an in-beta item because it 
> shouldn't impact functionality.
> One of the biggest new features you'll see is when you click on the Cloud9 
> IDE link:
> [image: Inline image 3]
> This is a pre-open-source-beta-only release of version 3 of their IDE. 
> Down at the bottom of the Cloud9 IDE you'll see a new terminal window that 
> runs a full 'tmux' session. You can open up a bunch of these and it makes 
> logging into the board and executing command-line operations *super* simple.
> Cloud9 IDE version 3 now includes support for Python and the Adafruit_BBIO 
> library is included in these Debian images. That means you can simply paste 
> in your Python code and hit the "run" button, without any additional 
> download. I checked this out myself by doing a quick LED blink using the 
> Adafruit tutorial (
> http://learn.adafruit.com/blinking-an-led-with-beaglebone-black/writing-a-program
> ):
> [image: Inline image 4]
> You should also note that the /var/lib/cloud9 directory now contains a git 
> clone of that bone101 repo (http://github.com/beagleboard/bone101), so 
> you can start using the Cloud9 IDE to edit the content live. What I 
> recommend is creating your own fork of the repo and sending me pull 
> requests of any changes you'd like to see.
> You can also edit C/C++ code in the Cloud9 IDE, but no 'builder' or 
> 'runner' plug-ins are provided. You will, however, find the 
> Userspace-Arduino (http://elinux.org/Userspace_Arduino) code in 
> /opt/source/Userspace-Arduino. Here's a quick little exercise you can do to 
> blink LED0:
> root@beaglebone# cd 
> /opt/source/Userspace-Arduino/arduino-makefile/examples/Blink
> root@beaglebone# perl -i -pe 's/13/14/g' Blink.ino
> root@beaglebone# make
> root@beaglebone# ./build-userspace/Blink.elf
> For more advanced C/C++ developers, future releases should include 
> https://github.com/jackmitch/libsoc.
> Those familiar with Linux will also note that the init system is 
> 'systemd', which has been helpful in providing reasonable boot times. If 
> you are looking for the journal, you can explore it using 
> 'systemd-journalctl'.
> I use a Mac and despite the latest version of HoRNDIS fixing issues with 
> Internet Connection Sharing, getting on the WIFI at home makes getting my 
> BeagleBones on the network much easier, further making grabbing new 
> packages with 'sudo apt-get install' much simpler. Drivers and firmware for 
> many common USB WiFi dongles are included, so be sure to report any that 
> you find missing. These latest images include the drivers for the popular 
> UWN200 adapters provided by Logic Supply. To test it out myself, I 
> uncommented and edited the wlan0 entry in /etc/network/interfaces 
> (including replacing wlan0 with ra0), shutdown, plugged in the adapter and 
> powered up the board again. I'm seeing the issue "rt28xx_open return 
> fail!", but I'm sure this is something we can fix in a few days and provide 
> an updated image. I removed that adapter and plugged in an adapter I bought 
> from Adafruit (and switched ra0 back to wlan0) and got the issue 
> "rtl8192cu:_rtl92cu_init_power_on():<0-0> Failed to polling 
> REG_APS_FSMCO[APFM_ONMAC] done!". Finally, I plugged in a TL-WN822N adapter 
> I bought from Amazon and BINGO---WiFi!!! Anyway, getting reports on what 
> adapters work and don't work would be really helpful at this point as we'll 
> be trying to get a very full set of WiFi drivers included.
> This is just a quick intro to some of the experience and what we are 
> focused on fine tuning. Please take the time to check it out and let us 
> know about your experience. It should be known that Koen has continued to 
> advance the state of the Angstrom Distributions images he provides and 
> those continue to serve as a more flexible base for building truly custom 
> Linux distributions needed by many embedded systems developers. However, as 
> our user base has grown, getting a Debian image that feels a bit more 
> familiar to Linux novices is something for which I've heard tremendous 
> demand. If feedback from the community is positive, there will be a switch 
> as to what distribution comes loaded in the eMMC flash on the boards. I 
> hope you enjoy it!

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