On 03/14/2014 10:55 AM, Dennis Cote wrote:

You are missing my point. These commands are already in the default .profile created for the debian user. See the pastebin.com/kjDXbEpJ for a copy of mine. I added the TZ environment variable at the end.

ls ~ shows my bin directory exists
env | grep HOME shows the HOME variable as /home/debian
env | grep PATH shows the PATH as /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games

The .profile should be adding /home/debian/bin to the path, but it is not. It is also not adding the TZ variable to the environment.

Is this shell running within X? If so .profile isn't sourced as it's not run as login shell. I don't quite follow why you want to set the TZ variable from the user environment either. It's all handled at a system level by default.

No need to set the variable then export it either, just do it all in one go.

export TZ="Whatever"

Also less typing to just "echo" variables....

echo $HOME $PATH

Really no need for env and grep.


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