Even using the console image Robert and I suggested, you'll gain back a lot
more space on the eMMC.

Also note that Roberts instruction for building from scratch / source is
done on a PC and not the BBB. But is more complex, and does pretty much
require Linux on that machine. I only mention this in case you're thinking
it has to be done on the BBB.

There is also another method for making your image smaller( without
building from source ), but is complex and requires mix / matching files /
directories from multiple sources. I'm still investigating this myself, so
could not get into too much detail. Except that /var/modules is not fully
populated in *debian-7.5-bare-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz. *So if you need
specific modules . . .This could prove to be a minor pain in the butt at
minimum. Systemd also lives in this directory.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:53 AM, <m...@zepler.org> wrote:

> Wiiliam,
> I am just this moment following the procedure Robert suggests, using the
> 2014-08-19 console image. I'll dump a list of packages installed in the
> 2014-05-14 'full' image installation before I re-flash it so I can compare
> what is in and what is not. I'm not in a position to build anything just
> yet - no free disc space!
> Max
> On Friday, 29 August 2014 19:47:48 UTC+1, William Hermans wrote:
>> Max, you're better off either starting with the console image Robert
>> mentioned, or building your own from https://eewiki.net/display/
>> linuxonarm/BeagleBone+Black#BeagleBoneBlack-
>> RootFileSystem%28smallflash%29
>> Once you get the console image going, it is a simple matter of apt-get
>> install <packages>
>>  --
> For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss
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