On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:58 PM, William Hermans <yyrk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *That's why we've been moving every "critical" file out of that partition.*
>> * For the official lxde image, the fat partition will still be there,*
>> * but NO critical boot files will exist in. (a windows user can add a*
>> * 'uEnv.txt/boot.scr/boot/boot.*
> *scr' and it will change the boot..*
> * "In" theory, windows users should be able to re-format the drive too,*
> * when it's shown in windows over the usb-gadget connection.*
> It is kind of sad that this is even necessary. In the context that the BBB
> is a dev board, and as such *some* knowledge / common sense should be
> implied.

It keeps things interesting. ;)  It Feels like bullet proofing the perfect
mouse trap!


Robert Nelson

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