Sorry I sort of mixed up my explanation a little.

So if you're connecting to the serial debug port on the beaglebone to a
Linux host machine. The beaglebone side interface would be /dev/ttyO0,
where on the host computer side the serial interface would show up as
something similar to /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0.

It depends on which serial to USB device you're using. Here, I use a
PL2303hx based serial to USB cable, and that shows up as /dev/ttyUSB0.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 8:08 PM, William Hermans <> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Alvin Koontz <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, I am one of the students who was given the BBBlue to interface with
>> the robot, We have the latest image on an SD card in the BBBlue, on boot
>> the leds appear to go through the normal boot routine. However we are
>> unable to interface with it in anyway. Initially we tried to connect with
>> the usb network cable, however it was not recognized as even being attached
>> by Ubuntu or windows, where as the black normally will show up as a device.
> So, the  USB interface to ethernet or serial are known as g_ether, and
> g_serial respectively. These are USB gadget "drivers". Which have to be
> enabled in order to be used. It sounds as though perhaps these may not be
> enabled by default at boot. Either way, have you all tried to connect to
> the beaglebone via the ethernet port yet ?
>> So we tried to interface with UART0 which we assume is the debug serial
>> port, and the only thing we read was nonsense, using the same serial config
>> that we use to interface with the black. So we are unsure if we are missing
>> something or if there is maybe a problem with the board
> This sounds like a serial device misconfiguration. What you describe is
> exactly what happens when you have the wrong baud rate set on one end or
> the other. As Jason just replied the configuration must be 115200 baud N81
> on both ends. The Linux image you're using probably already has this set
> correctly. So this is probably a client side terminal app misconfiguration.
> The two serial application I know work on Windows is puTTY, and the
> paralax terminal application( Sorry cant think of the name off hand ). I do
> personally use puTTY regularly on Windows though. You may even have to go
> into device manager and change the settings there. Make sure flow control
> is turned off. Becasue Widnows seems to like XON and XOFF for default
> control flow. Make sure the other settings here reflect those already
> discuses as well. As I believe everything by default will be correct,
> except baud rate: Widnows defaults to 9600, and flow control: Which Windows
> defaults to XON/XOFF. Your mileage may vary.
> Additionally, from Linux in a pinch you can run:
> $ sudo cat /dev/ttyO0
> And cat should be able to view serial output. Assuming you have the baud
> rate set correctly for this device. Or . . . if you're unsure where the
> configuration is, or how to set that up. You can run screen like so:
> $ sudo screen /dev/ttyO0 115200
> The rest of the parameters should default too the correct values.
> As with Windows, I have personally used both these Linux utilities, and I
> do know they work. However, with screen or cat, eventually line breaks will
> start to be recognized in the wrong part of the serial output. Making the
> output slight harder to "parse". Visually, or programmatically.

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