Here is what I used:

I'm using the Greens so it conveniently plugs in to the Grove connector. 
 The lithium coin cell was not available at the local stores and I had to 
order via Amazon.
This device uses 3.3V battery and it is plug-n-play with regards to the 
hardware.  The Beagleboard distributions include a driver for it.

In addition to confusion with logic voltages, the Linux ecosystem for RTCs 
is pretty confusing as well.  The man pages have outdated or insufficient 
It was possible to get the RTC to work without touching the Device Tree.

I've got the RTC to work and it is timing my irrigation control system 
reasonably well.  I'm still not confident with what I am doing with the 
hwclock command.
I've documented what I did in the PDF file page 26:

Good luck with the RTC and please share you results here!


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