This is fantastic, thanks for sharing, Martin. I typed up a review of my 
experiences with it. See the doc here 
I tried to paste it below, but the formatting is lost (this used to work 


Extracting cashflows needed to compute IRR is challenging because of the 
flexibility that bookkeeping systems like Beancount need to offer in order 
to be useful.

This is a review of beancount/experiments/returns that Martin posted 
recently, including what you need to get up and running, and pitfalls to 
watch out for.

First, a review:

   - Fantastic documentation (as usual) and clarity in code (also as 
   usual), along with clear output that includes the transactions, posting 
   categorizations, templates that were identified, and extracted cashflows in 
   the output files.

   - The simplicity of the generalized cashflow method ( 
   produce_cash_flows_general()) is neat and helpful in building one’s mental 
   model when working with this tool.
   - Runtime performance: it takes ~3.5 minutes to run on my transactions 
   of about 10k investment related postings on older hardware (x86, intel core 
   duo 1.2GHz)


*Per-commodity accounting: not a hard requirement*

The documentation may seem to suggest that per-commodity accounts are a 
requirement or are assumed by the code, but this is not actually true. The 
code works at the account level, and if you don’t have or use per-commodity 
accounting, you can still compute returns at an account level. Below are 
some pitfalls, solutions, and some drawbacks to not using per-commodity 

   - The script may not work for you in this case, but it’s 
   trivial to write your own configuration.
   - One problem is, it’s impossible to know which commodity to ascribe a 
   dividend to.  Even worse, reinvested dividends in the “Dividends” 
   computation, if the cash flows into the asset account. Eg:

2020-01-02 * "Buy"

  Assets:Brokerage   1000 HOOL {1 USD}



2020-08-01 * "Dividends"

  Assets:Brokerage            500 USD

  Income:Dividends:Brokerage       ; ← not a cash account; not counted


2020-08-01 * "Reinvest dividends"

  Assets:Brokerage   500 HOOL {1 USD}

  Assets:Brokerage  -500 USD       ; ← not an external account; not counted


However, this is only a problem if you want your total performance broken 
down into dividends vs. appreciation. If not, the total performance numbers 
you get will still be correct. Simply ignore the ex-dividends and dividends 

   - Several of my accounts correspond to a “real” brokerage account, 
   meaning they mix multiple commodities, cash and/or the money market 
   settlement fund
   - fails because my account contains 
   both cash and a settlement fund, variably used to trade commodities. This 
   means the cashflow can’t be reduced to a single currency based on cost, but 
   ends up with two (cash, settlement fund). Note that I use price conversions 
   for the settlement fund (vs. holding them at cost), to avoid generating a 
   ton of lots with no real purpose given that the NAV of these don’t stray 
   much from 1 USD. Fix:

@@ -141,7 +144,10 @@ def truncate_cash_flows(

         balance = compute_balance_at(account_data.transactions, date_start)

         if not balance.is_empty():

             cost_balance = balance.reduce(pricer.get_value, date_start)

+            cost_balance = cost_balance.reduce(convert.convert_position, 
"USD", pricer.price_map)

             cost_position = cost_balance.get_only_position()

@@ -154,7 +160,13 @@ def truncate_cash_flows(

         balance = compute_balance_at(account_data.transactions, date_end)

         if not balance.is_empty():

             cost_balance = balance.reduce(pricer.get_value, date_end)

-            cost_position = cost_balance.get_only_position()

+            cost_balance = cost_balance.reduce(convert.convert_position, 
"USD", pricer.price_map)

+            try:

+                cost_position = cost_balance.get_only_position()


*Verification of results can be challenging:*

After building a basic config file and perhaps making a few simple changes 
to your ledger, spits out numbers. How can the 
correctness of these numbers be verified?


One way to identify problems is to construct groupings that reflect IRRs 
provided by brokerages. However, the details and terminology of how IRR 
calculations are made can vary widely by brokerage. For example, there 
seems to be no agreement on what the start/end dates should be when 
computing “3-year performance”. It can thus be a lot of effort to figure 
these out even if one has just a handful of brokerages.


Verifying the output of may involve some effort. The 
challenge fundamentally seems to stem from the (fantastic) flexibility 
Beancount provides in constructing one's ledger, which means that the 
configuration for needs to be correct. Short of bugs, 
all incorrect results are generally because of errors in configuration.


So how can one verify that their configuration is correct? Thankfully, this 
is a place where shines, with its clear, relevant 
output. Below, I share a few tips and personal stumbling blocks to help 
others figure their own:

   - Examine the helpful “category map” in the output files. It is the set 
   of all accounts that are involved in transactions with an asset account in 

cat returns.output/investments/*.org | grep "^.'" | grep None

Also consider whether each of them has been categorized correctly:

cat returns.output/investments/*.org | grep "^.'"

   - The root finding solver is initialized to 0.2, so if you see a 20.00% 
   as your CAGR, it’s almost certainly because the solver crashed
   - Examining the cashflow graph:
      - Do the inflows and outflows make sense? With many accounts, you 
      have a sense of how frequently you transfer money and how much (eg: every 
      paycheck). Is that being violated?
      - Do the dividends make sense?
      - Transfers should show up as an equal inflow/outflow. If not, 
   - Spot check at least some of the transactions in the investments/*.org 
   files to ensure their categories make sense. See if there are transactions 
   that may be missing
   - Finally, building one’s intuition for what the numbers should be, how 
   the cashflow should look like, and how works, is 
   generally helpful in spotting errors


*Modifications I had to make to my ledger:*

There were some gotchas that I had to work through that I’ve shared below 
to give a sense of what one might need to look out for:

   - Tighten initial pad postings, so they appear on the day of the first 
   transaction. Else, the period used for computing returns is lengthened, 
   resulting in incorrectly worse performance
   - I use the rename plugin 
   I wrote to rename Expenses:Taxes:* to Income:Taxes:*, to avoid it from 
   dominating my expenses for analysis. This meant that the income accounts 
   were categorized as income ( matches against an “Income:” 
   regex) and therefore (incorrectly) not counted as casflow, which happens in 
   transactions that involve tax (eg: sell to cover). I had to add 
   “Income:Taxes:*” as a cash_account. The problems manifested as accounts 
   with obviously incorrect IRR values (eg: -144%), though this may not always 
   - In transaction entries involving a paycheck (eg: contributions to an 
   employer sponsored retirement account), many postings were uncategorized, 
   and thus eventually had incorrect workflows. My solution was to insulate 
   brokerage transactions from paycheck transactions by having a transfer 
   account in between. I started using transfer accounts in the last few years 
   anyway via the zerosum 
   plugin, but older transactions didn’t
   - Eventually, I plan to evaluate switching to per-commodity accounts 
   that Martin has long recommended


*Configuration  maintenance*

As one’s ledger evolves, the reports config needs to be kept up to date. 
One downside of per-commodity accounts is they are likely to be opened and 
closed more frequently than physical accounts.


Omissions of all types in the returns configuration (asset, dividend, and 
cash accounts) can be hard to detect. Solutions are likely to be highly 
specific to the conventions one uses in their ledger. For my ledger for 
example, I plan to ensure all accounts under 
“(Assets|Income):Investments:*” appear at least once in the reports config 

*In-kind transfers and returns*

One case that is not covered seems to be in-kind transfers. For example:


option "operating_currency" "USD"

plugin "beancount.plugins.implicit_prices"


2005-01-01 commodity USD

2005-01-01 commodity HOOL


2000-01-01 open Assets:Bank

2000-01-01 open Assets:Brokerage:HOOL "STRICT"

2000-01-01 open Assets:Zero-Sum-Accounts:Transfers "STRICT"


2010-01-01 * "Buy"

  Assets:Zero-Sum-Accounts:Transfers 1000 HOOL {0.5 USD}



2020-01-01 price HOOL 1 USD


2020-01-02 * "Transfer"

  Assets:Brokerage:HOOL   1000 HOOL {0.5 USD}

  Assets:Zero-Sum-Accounts:Transfers -1000 HOOL {0.5 USD}


2020-12-23 price HOOL 1.1 USD


Using the market value on the transfer date for the cashflow value should 
solve this case.


This appears in several cases in me ledger: moving from one brokerage to 
another, and options exercise. It could be argued that the former could be 
handled by bundling together the old and new accounts, but that assumes all 
accounts in question deal with only a single commodity each, which means 
(for me), redoing a whole bunch of historical transactions.


The latter is an interesting case. For context, assume an option to buy 
stock ABC at 1 USD was exercised when the fair market value of ABC was 5 
USD. It was then held for a year, and sold for 10 USD. It is helpful to 
compute the returns of holding on to the exercised stock (which is an 
investing decision) separately from the “compensation” portion, which is 
the 5-1 = 4 USD. To do this, I track them in separate accounts like so:


2015-01-01 * "Exercised"

   Assets:Vested             -100 ABC_OPTIONS

   Expenses:Stock-Options     100 ABC_OPTIONS

   Assets:XTrade:Exercised    100 ABC {1 USD}   ; FMV was 4 USD

   Assets:Bank                100 USD           ; 100 * 1 USD


2015-01-01 price ABC 4 USD ; FMV


2015-01-01 * “Transferred to brokerage”

   Assets:XTrade:Exercised   -100 ABC {1 USD}

   Assets:XTrade:Invested     100 ABC {1 USD}


If stock transfers in-kind were computed in the way above, one could simply 
compute returns separately on Assets:XTrade:Exercised and 
Assets:XTrade:Invested, and distinguish between the “compensation” and the 
“investment” portions.


*Minor feedback*

   - Legend in graph (in .svg): both amortized value from flows, and market 
   value show up as a black line. In the graph, one is blue + dots, other is 
   - How rae trailing, rolling, and total returns period define? Since 
   everyone defines these a bit differently, perhaps balloon help on the UI 
   would clarify it. This script helps, meanwhile:

# Run on 2020-12-23

>>> from reports import *

>>> from tabulate import tabulate

>>> print(tabulate(get_calendar_intervals(TODAY)))

----  ----------  ----------

2005  2005-01-01  2006-01-01

2006  2006-01-01  2007-01-01

2007  2007-01-01  2008-01-01

2008  2008-01-01  2009-01-01

2009  2009-01-01  2010-01-01

2010  2010-01-01  2011-01-01

2011  2011-01-01  2012-01-01

2012  2012-01-01  2013-01-01

2013  2013-01-01  2014-01-01

2014  2014-01-01  2015-01-01

2015  2015-01-01  2016-01-01

2016  2016-01-01  2017-01-01

2017  2017-01-01  2018-01-01

2018  2018-01-01  2019-01-01

2019  2019-01-01  2020-01-01

2020  2020-01-01  2020-12-23

----  ----------  ----------

>>> print(tabulate(get_cumulative_intervals(TODAY)))

--------------------  ----------  ----------

15_years_ago          2005-01-01  2020-12-23

10_years_ago          2010-01-01  2020-12-23

5_years_ago           2015-01-01  2020-12-23

4_years_ago           2016-01-01  2020-12-23

3_years_ago           2017-01-01  2020-12-23

2_years_ago           2018-01-01  2020-12-23

1_year_ago            2019-01-01  2020-12-23

ytd                   2020-01-01  2020-12-23

rolling_6_months_ago  2020-06-25  2020-12-23

rolling_3_months_ago  2020-09-25  2020-12-23

--------------------  ----------  ----------


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