thank you for reply,

"If you're seeing a problem case, would you mind opening a bug in the repo 
with a demo example?"
- opened the issue

"The latter is exactly what I do for now: simply include 
"Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash" as a commodity, and it'll show up with very 
low returns."
- could you please share your config file for this cash account? 
I can't seem to make it work with currency same as my main currency (USD). 
Or do you use separate currency/commodity just for that account?

I tried
"investments {
  investment {
    currency: "USD"
    asset_account: "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash"
    cash_accounts: "Assets:Cash"
groups {
  group {
    name: "CSchwabCash"
    investment: "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash"

"investments {
  investment {
    currency: "USD"
    asset_account: "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash"
    cash_accounts: "Assets:Cash"
groups {
  group {
    name: "CSchwabCash"
    investment: "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash"
    currency: "USD"

But i am getting error
"R:\b\b-office>python beangrow/ -e 2021-09-01 b.beancount 
conf-returns returns
R:\b\b-office\beangrow\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value 
encountered in power
  return np.sum(cash_flows / (1. + irr) ** years)
R:\b\b-office\beangrow\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value 
encountered in power
  return np.sum(cash_flows / (1. + irr) ** years)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "beangrow/", line 105, in <module>
  File "beangrow/", line 94, in main
  File "R:\b\b-office\beangrow\", line 528, in 
    all_prices = prices.get_all_prices(price_map, base_quote)
line 303, in get_all_prices
    return _lookup_price_and_inverse(price_map, base_quote)
line 278, in _lookup_price_and_inverse
    return price_map[base_quote]
KeyError: ('USD', 'USD')"
On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 11:15:15 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 5:12:30 PM UTC-7 Bman Q wrote:
>> I have couple of additional questions on bean grow set-up:
>> 1. seems to ignore closed accounts, is it how it supposed to 
>> work? 
>> (usually for strictness i was closing accounts after i exited/sold 
>> position, example: "2020-10-06 close Assets:Investing:CSchwab:RDFN")
> Hmm, it shouldn't: see this line and comment 
> <>and
> its code:
> """Return a list of account names from the balance sheet which either 
> aren't 
> closed or are closed now but were still open at the given start date. """
> If you're seeing a problem case, would you mind opening a bug in the repo 
> with a demo example? 
> 2. "Including Uninvested Cash"
>> Do i understand it right that the easiest way to account for uninvested 
>> cash is to create 
>> -commodity "IDDLEUSD"
>> -account Assets:Investing:IDDLEUSD
>> buy IDDLEUSD for all cash (USD) that i can invest at rate 1:1, 
>> and then at each interval i do reports "price IDDLEUSD 1 USD",
>> and when i want to buy smng sell IDDLEUSD for USD, and buy what i want.
>> ?
>> OR is there a way to make my investment cash accounts 
>> "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash", etc to be counted as investment (with 0 
>> return) ?
> The latter is exactly what I do for now: simply include 
> "Assets:Investing:CSchwab:Cash" as a commodity, and it'll show up with very 
> low returns.
> However, for me, this means that cash in other parts of the hierarchy 
> (example: banks, paypal, etc.) are not counted. AFAIK, beangrow does not 
> offer a global solution for this. See "Including Uninvested Cash" in Martin's 
> doc 
> <>
> .
> Not really an analysis solution, but as a strategy, I personally use 
> fava_investor <> to monitor 
> uninvested cash.
> 3. Is there recommended time frame for "price" quotes?
>> Usually i open positions for 3-5 years, so not interested in daily or 
>> even monthly fluctuations.
>> Do i understand it right that if i use
>> -"plugin "beancount.plugins.implicit_prices"" (to get price from buy/sell 
>> transactions)
>> -price my investments on 1st of each Quarter
>> -run with -e DATE = 1st of each Quarter (basically 
>> same cut off as date of last price quote)
>> then i will be fine and won't need any more price quotes
>> ?
> After including the implicit_prices plugin, and running beangrow once, you 
> will want to run: 
> beangrow/beangrow/ 
> <your_returns_output_dir>/prices/prices.beancount 
> and include the resulting price database in your source, and re-reun 
> beangrow. Without that, beangrow uses the price values on the closest dates 
> it can find, which in your case could be weeks or months off, which means 
> your returns numbers will be off.
> The file generated above provides the only dates on which the prices 
> matter to beangrow for your configuration. These are the start and end 
> dates of your cashflow. Meaning, period opening and closing dates, and 
> dates on which you bought/sold, IIRC. More detail here 
> <>.
> Enjoy!

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