>>>>> "Graham" == Graham Gudgin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Graham> I find it disturbing to see these guidelines being ignored by people
Graham> who should know better - people who have a lot of respect within the
Graham> Perl community. Such messages as (excerpted):

If you had something to say to me, say it to me.

And for the record, none of the list monitors thwapped my wrists on
either of these, although they have done so in the past with other
messages.  Which suggests that you do not have the support of the list
monitors on these two particular messages.

Just thought you'd like to know.

I have three hot buttons on this list (and any public forum): ripping
people off with scams (like perl2exe), commercializing and hoarding
products derived from open software (like what the poster was doing),
and introducing security errors.  I will raise *all* the flags I can
when anything like that happens.  I will not be nice.  Being nice lets
some people off the hook for these things that I hold sacred.  If you
don't want to see messages from me about those issues, better filter
me now.  Of course, you'll lose the 98 messages you want to see,
because of the two messages you don't want to see because they aren't
"nicey nice".  Sorry about that, but that'd be your choice.

Maybe I'm just in my grumbly mood this week.  It's very likely... I've
just wasted two days trying to figure out why my main laptop is
randomly losing data under stress, and trying to get the backup laptop
reconfigured to accept my backups, and it's giving me huge grief.  Not
to mention the recent court decision
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fors-announce/message/20) which makes
me a felon for life.  Yeah, I suppose getting that during the holidays
might make one a bit grouchy.

But I stand by what I said, especially on these issues.  perl2exe
sucks.  Trying to hide software written in Perl from your customers
sucks.  And having that message out there is important to me.  Some
people here will cheer me on for holding the banner so high on those,
no matter what the method.  Others will find my manner offensive about
it, and still others will even disagree with both the manner and the
goal.  Oh well, this is life.

Just another Perl hacker,
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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