On 5/13/02 2:43 PM, Kevin Meltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To sum up.. Matts code is bad. It has various security holes, is not
> maintained, and is in Perl 4. The 'vendetta' has come from years of him
> NOT removing his scripts from the internet (spreading cargo-cult
> programming), and not updating them accordingly. When someone is new to
> Perl (like yourself) you may just say "Hey, here are some free scripts
> I can use! YAY!" and not know they are outdated, poorly programmed,
> barely supported, and are know to have recurring security issues. As
> well, his code should not be used by beginners to learn how to program
> in Perl. Instead, it should be (and is) used in talks of "what not to
> do". 
> Many of us in the Perl community have repeatedly asked him to either
> rewrite his code fully, or simply remove it from his site. He has, each
> time, either ignored or flatly refused to do so. This is why NMS was
> finally started.
> So, it is the security concerns, as well as the others I mentioned.
> Someone else may even have a few I have forgotten. I hope this answers
> your question :)

Yes, it does. I knew there must have been some sort of history that I was
not aware of...


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