Ack.. I used to have a nice long, detailed reason why (I think I may
have sent it to someone on this list at some point who asked me the
same question). 

To sum up.. Matts code is bad. It has various security holes, is not
maintained, and is in Perl 4. The 'vendetta' has come from years of him
NOT removing his scripts from the internet (spreading cargo-cult
programming), and not updating them accordingly. When someone is new to
Perl (like yourself) you may just say "Hey, here are some free scripts
I can use! YAY!" and not know they are outdated, poorly programmed,
barely supported, and are know to have recurring security issues. As
well, his code should not be used by beginners to learn how to program
in Perl. Instead, it should be (and is) used in talks of "what not to

Many of us in the Perl community have repeatedly asked him to either
rewrite his code fully, or simply remove it from his site. He has, each
time, either ignored or flatly refused to do so. This is why NMS was
finally started.

So, it is the security concerns, as well as the others I mentioned.
Someone else may even have a few I have forgotten. I hope this answers
your question :)

BTW folks, please do not turn this into an ever-going Matt bashing
thread.. or I will be forced to close it (trying to be preventative


On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 01:45:06PM -0700, Michael Kelly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
> Ok, I have a question now: What, exactly, started the vendetta that the
> entire Perl community seems to have against Matt's Script Archives? Is it
> the constant security concerns, or is there something else?
> At the moment, MSA at its worst doesn't seem nearly as bad as, say,
> Microsoft.
> I'm not trying to defend MSA, it's just that I've seen endless trash talked
> about it, and, being a relative newcomer to the Perl scene, I'm curious as
> to where it all started.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Michael

[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
All people have the right to be stupid, some people just abuse it!
        -- Frank Zappa

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