David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib wrote:

> #!/user/cadiclab/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> $first = param('userid');
> $last = param('pw');
> $hide1 = param('hide1');
> $hide2 = param('hide2');
> print header,
>         start_html(-BGCOLOR=>"#99cccc"),
>         start_form;
> print "Hallo userid: $first with password: $last <br><br>";
> print "Hidden fields are; <br><br>Field1: $hide1 <br>Field2: $hide2 <br>";

this is dangerous!

you are taking user input and printing it directly to the browser 
without any html escaping!

please read this:


as for your question - have you tried using .htaccess?

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