Secure?? Have you guys been paying attention to the
Matt's Script Archive discussion? You can pass along
parameters between pages either in the URL or as
hidden fields, but NEITHER IS REALLY SECURE!! The
hidden fields only stymie the newbies. :-) Anyone
could just save the form to their hard drive, modify
the hidden field values there, and submit that
version. If the server script thinks it need only
check the referer variable to get around this, the
hacker can submit their modified page with their own
client, setting the referer field to whatever they

True, it's nicer not seeing them in the URL, but it's
not that much more secure. I recommend Chapter 8 of
O'Reilly's "CGI Programming with Perl" for a thorough
discussion of CGI security issues.

- John

--- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib
> Hi Sven,
> Sorry, I thought you knew that one.
> But how to proceed if you don't want those
> ugly/insecure params in your location bar ?
>  ... snip ...
> > > <input type=hidden name=hide1 value="secure">
> > > <input type=hidden name=hide2 value="very
> secure">
> ... snip ...

"When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a 
building?" - They Might Be Giants,
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