The difference is, the efficiency and data structure returns.  Mine came to 
I think 72
times faster when not uploading images, and 2.5 times faster when uploading images.  
I'm not saying is written poorly or anything, I am saying that it is a little bit bloated and 
has a lot of
functionality that is not needed (especially if the only thing you are doing with it 
is receiving

    Well personally, I've always used
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
but somebody told me this was not the spec, so I read through the spec and looked up 
how was
doing it and what I found was
as the \n\n replacement.  I of coarse should have looked a little higher where they 
defined $CRLF,
or at least tested what I had read before posting it, but oh well.  From here on out, 
I'll stick
with what I've known to work instead.

    Like I've said before, it doesn't make much sense to make a wrapper for so 
that I can
have things the way I want them, because this is doubling the work necessary.  I'm not 
making my lib
to prove superior, or to say anything like mine is better.  I have simply found a very 
solution for me (quick and in a structure that works well for me).  If others like my 
solution, and
it works well for them too, more power to them.  I will post mine on CPAN, if nobody 
else in the
world feels it is a good solution for them, that's just fine with me.  If people like 
my solution,
but have a few suggestions of how to improve it, I welcome that.

    One thing I am open to after posting my lib to CPAN is suggestions.  I'm not 
exactly close
minded here, I'm just the type of person who if I'm not perfectly happy with the way 
something works
(whether programming or in the real world), I determine whether I can fix it, if I can 
I do.
Because this lib puts the received values in a structure that I like to work with, in 
my mind it
fixes things.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

...... snip
>     I'm sure I'll get lots of hate mail from die hard's, but my
other choice is to just not

Not trying to post hate mail, just reasoning on the subject.

> post this at all.  What I hope for is several people telling me how to
make it slightly more
> efficient or compatible with other OS's (you see I've only had opportunity
to test it on Linux and
> Win2000, though I've been testing it on Linux for about 2 1/2 years).

Lincoln Stein (the original author of already has (lots of) people
doing this for him, and his module has been maintained for around 10 years.
Its been tested on scores of OS's. Ive read four of his books. There is a
book dedicated to My point is his module has been rigorously
debugged and you are just now here asking people for help debugging yours.

>     Its pretty hard to make it more simple than:
> use Form;
> my %input = Form();

But something else has already made it that easy.

Im not knocking your module. Im just explaining why people like us trust
people like Lincoln Stein's module over yours. For example, Ive seen alot of
hand rolled CGI parameter parsers, most of them have a line that says:

@pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{QUERY_STRING}); # WRONG!!!!!!

This works when the user agent uses an & as a delimeter, but some user
agents use ; (a semicolon) which is perfectly valid. program chokes. Then
people are in the newsgroups trying to get others to help track down a very,
VERY difficult-to-track bug. But at the end of the post they say, "I dont
want to use!" Floors me. Really floors me. And this is just one of
several examples I've seen.

So I know, when I say:

print $q->header();

Its going to get it right.

BTW, I find the source to very easy to read and makes alot of sence.
Ive seen suggestions from you in this thread that are either wrong or wont
even work. (What does this do-> print "Content-type:
text/html${CRLF}${CRLF}";) Which tells us again Mr. Stein has a thorough
understanding of the HTTP protocol, while you stll have a little to learn.

Again, this is NOT a flame. I suggest accepting the constructive criticism

Todd W.

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